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ISO 11137 - Sterilization of Health Care Products Package
ISO 11137-1, ISO 11137-2 and ISO 11137-3
The ISO 11137 - Sterilization of Health Care Products Package provides the requirements for developing, validating and routinely controlling the sterilization process of medical devices. In addition to providing the requirements for the sterilization process of medical devices, this package also considers the products' environment, personnel and their hygiene, packaging / storage, sterilization doses and more to inactivate microbiological contaminants on medical devices. This package is reduce by 25% off of the standard list price and includes the following ISO Standards:
ISO 11137-1:2006
ISO 11137-1:2006/Amd1:2013
ISO 11137-1:2006/Amd2:2018
ISO 11137-2:2013
ISO 11137-2:2013/Amd1:2022
ISO 11137-3:2017
ISO 11137 - Sterilization of Health Care Products Package includes:
- ISO 11137-1:2006
- ISO 11137-1:2006/Amd1:2013
- ISO 11137-1:2006/Amd2:2018
- ISO 11137-2:2013
- ISO 11137-2:2013/Amd1:2022
- ISO 11137-3:2017
International Organization for Standardization [iso]