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ASCE/SEI 43-2019

Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities

Prepared by the Nuclear Standards Committee and the Task Committee on Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear Structures of the Codes and Standards Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE

Seismic Design Criteria for Structures, Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities provides stringent design criteria for multiple aspects associated with nuclear facilities. Because of the potential risk with nuclear hazards, nuclear facilities need to have a much lower probability than conventional facilities of sustaining structural damage caused by earthquake. The goal of this standard is to ensure that nuclear facilities can withstand the effects of earthquake ground-shaking while retaining target performance goals.

Topics include evaluation of seismic demand, evaluation of structural capacity, load combinations and acceptance criteria for structures, ductile detailing requirements, equipment and distribution systems, and seismic quality provisions. This new edition, which updates and replaces the previous edition of ASCE 43, includes a new chapter on the design of seismically isolated nuclear facilities, as well as provisions for prototype and production testing of isolators.

Standard ASCE/SEI 43-19 will be of use to engineers and analysts involved in the design and assessment of new or existing nuclear structures, systems, or components. It can also be used for facilities handling explosives, toxic materials, or chemicals; for facilities where safety, mission, or investment protection is an explicit design goal.

ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers [asce]

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