The ANSI Webstore is an online electronic standards web-based ordering and delivery system for U.S. and international standards:
Search for standards from over 150 standards publishers
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While most of the people working on standards development are volunteers, standards developers incur expense in the coordination of these voluntary efforts. From the time a new project is started through the final balloting and adoption of a standard and the subsequent maintenance procedures, much effort is involved in supporting the volunteers who actually write the documents. Meetings are scheduled; minutes and draft documents are distributed; and there remains a constant requirement for public notification about the activity. For international standards, the cost of standards also covers the cost of operating the ISO and IEC central secretariats.
Hundreds of staff employed by ANSI and Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) across the nation provide direct support for the domestic and international technical development activities of the volunteers.
Once a standard is written and approved, users need to know it is available for their use. Catalogs and indexes must be created and maintained, whether in print or electronic format. Users may also need help in identifying the particular standard that is applicable to their need; this often goes beyond the kind of information available in a catalog or database. Directly charging for this kind of support would impose a barrier to the dissemination of the information in the standards, which is what the user ultimately wants. In light of this, operational expenses are recovered through the sale of standards.
In addition, considerable resources are expended in educating federal, state, and local government regulators and legislators as to the value and integrity of voluntary standards, and often, defending in the courts a standard and the process under which it was developed. Standards sales also support the staff time required to promote the global acceptance of international standards. These are important values for the users of standards who rely on marketplace acceptance of these standards to operate commercially.
The information contained in a standard is the intellectual property of the developing organization. When others want to use this property, they are expected to pay a fair value for it. If incorporating the content of a standard is deemed necessary in the development of a product or service, obtaining this intellectual property should be seen as no different from obtaining any other component of the product.
While less expensive than paper-based development and distribution, electronic standards do incur production, warehousing and distribution costs in terms of manpower, facilities and equipment.
We hope this information provides some insight as to why there is a charge for standards, regardless of the distribution method.
All of the electronic standards are in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Acrobat to view standards purchased from the eStandards Store.
PDF is the preferred file format on Webstore because it is the most widely supported document format on the Web, and because of its reduced file size, it shortens the download time. Some of the older documents are scanned at 300 dpi and converted to PDF+Text. If the document you have is a scanned version, it is because an original, electronic source file was not available. We are also working closely with publishers to identify electronic text which we may not have had access to during the production process.
Once downloaded, the documents can be opened and printed using Acrobat Reader. You will also be able to perform word searches on the full text of the document.
You will not be able to modify or cut and paste text from any of the downloaded standards.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) coordinates development and use of voluntary consensus standards in the United States and represents the needs and views of U.S. stakeholders in standardization forums around the globe.
The Institute oversees creation, promulgation and use of thousands of international norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector: from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and many more. ANSI is actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards - including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems.
ANSI facilitates the development of American National Standards (ANS) by accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations (SDOs). These groups work cooperatively to develop voluntary national consensus standards. Accreditation by ANSI signifies that the procedures used by the standards body in connection with the development of American National Standards meet the Institute's essential requirements for openness, balance, consensus and due process.
ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ANSI is also a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
Regionally, the Institute is the U.S. member of the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). ANSI is also a member of the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and via the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), a member of the Inter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC).