Frequently Asked Questions

A.Documents sold on the ANSI Standards Store are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You can download the PDF immediately and print it yourself. Some DRM protected documents identified with the 'No Print" icon cannot be printed. ISO., IEC and ASME standards are available from Amazon in hard copy format.
A.You can download the standard from the Order Confirmation, Order Details page, or Order History. You have seven (7) days to download the standard to your computer.
A.The documents copyrighted by these developers are protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM) and will require the File Open plug in: AGA, AIAG, ASHRAE, ASIS, ASME, AWS, AWWA, BHMA, BSI, CGA, CITRA, CSA, GEIA, HI, ICC, IESNA, IEST, IKECA, IPC, LIA, MSS, NASPO, NEMA, NSF, PMI, TCNA, & WMMA.
A.Standards sold on the ANSI webstore are compatible with iPad, iPhone, Kindle and Android tablet and mobile devices. However, the iPad, iPhone or Android device will only open PDF files that are not protected by DRM. If you order DRM protected files using an iPad, iPhone or Android device, you will need to download them to a device that is running Windows or the Mac OSX operating system. If you are using Chrome to view DRM protected PDF files go to chrome://plugins and disable the Chrome PDF viewer. Customer support is available to assist you.
A.To view a secure file, you will need Adobe Reader or Acrobat and the FILE OPEN plug in. To get the plug in visit this page:
A. FileOpen is a free plugin used to open DRM files and different versions of FileOpen are available from depending on your operating system.
A.You can print 1 copy of the PDF for your personal use or backup purposes. AIAG, IPC, and NASPO do not allow printing of their documents.
A. View the product comparison chart on our home page to determine which product is best for you. Standards are available a number of different ways, each offering different benefits. Individual standards or multiple copies of individual standards can be cost effective for a small number of standards or authorized users. Predefined packages and ANSI Standards Subscription group related standards together for convenience and are more cost effective for certain situations.
A.Yes, you can place an order for an end user. Please note that the documets will be watermarked with the registered customer name.
A.Light text that is placed at the top or bottom margin of a digital asset. The watermark contains order information and the name of the registered customer.
A. To assist you in understanding the proper use of downloaded electronic standards from our webstore, we have a reference to the end-user license agreement. This agreement will be displayed as part of the ordering process for the purchaser to accept prior to the completion of the purchase transaction.
A.ANSI does not send invoices of webstore orders. Upon order completion, you will receive an email confirmation of your order with order details.
A.Because the pricing is subject to change without notice, ANSI does not quote pricing for items on the ANSI Webstore. If asked, we will provide you with that day’s current retail pricing.

A.Payment options are any major credit card such as AMEX, DISCOVER, MASTERCARD, and VISA. A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT can also be used to make the online payment.

A. A Deposit Account is an account with funds to use at the ANSI web-store in place of a credit card. To learn more about Deposit Accounts, view this page:
A. Transactions are generally declined for your security and most often the cause is incorrect information or a mistyped entry in a form field. Be sure the billing address and phone number exactly match your credit card statement and the account number, card type, expiration date and CCV number are entered online exactly as they appear on your card. Double check the card number, CVV and card type and verify the proper billing address and phone number. Transactions are blocked to protect against fraud when multiple failed attempts are made on your card.
A.You may have reached the credit limit. You can try to use a different card or contact your credit card issuer or the person at your organization that administers your credit card for further information.
A.First sign in then proceed to check out. In STEP 2 of the check out process, click on Manage Your Exemption Certificates to start.

A.Standards cannot be returned for a refund.

A.Yes, a one time account profile must be created to complete an order. You can use the same email and password for future orders. Start Here:
A.Make sure you are entering the correct email and password. Passwords are case sensitive.

A.From the sign in page, enter your email address and click on FORGOT PASSWORD. A reset password email with instructions will be sent to the "registered" email.

A.After several failed attempts your account becomes locked. Please call Customer Service at: 212 642-4980.
A. Certain account information can be edited by signing in and going to your Profile. Note that email addresses cannot be changed by user. Please send your request for an email change in writing.
A.You can use this feature to e-mail links or a shopping cart to a friend or colleague. Along with your name and email address, you may include a personalized message. Information you enter in this form will be used to email the intended recipient. ANSI will not sell your information to a 3rd party or use this information for any other purpose.
A.Click on “Alert Me” to add to your Alert Profile on any search results or product page. RSS is available for standards tracking on some pages

A. A cookie is a bit of information that saved on your computer; it will help the store identify who you are when you visit the site. It also keeps track of the standards that you want to purchase. In order to enable cookies, use the help feature in your browser by pressing the F1 key and searching for “cookies” or “enable cookies”. Read more about the ANSI cookie policy at

Reseller Referral Information

A. ANSI currently does not offer the standard(s) you are searching for at the ANSI Webstore. Here is a list of vendors you may contact for the desired standard(s):
You may also visit and obtain a hard copy version of a standard from any of the below listed vendors:

Document Center Inc.
121 Industrial Road Suite 8
Belmont, CA 94002
Phone: 650.591.7600
E-mail: [email protected]
Accuris Standards Store
15 Inverness Way East
Englewood, CO 80112
Americas: 800.332.6077
Asia Pacific: 60 4 296 1124
Europe, Middle East, Africa: 44 0 203 367 0680
SAI Global
121 Industrial Road Suite 8
Belmont, CA 94002
Phone: 416.401.8730
E-mail: [email protected]

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(8:30am – 6pm EST, Monday – Friday)