Most recent
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016
American National Standard for Hand Protection Classification
ANSI/ISEA 105-2016 addresses the classification and testing of hand protection for specific performance properties related to chemical and industrial applications Hand protection includes gloves, mittens, partial gloves, or other items covering the hand or a portion of the hand that are intended to provide protection against or resistance to a specific hazard. This standard provides performance ranges for related to mechanical protection (cut-resistance, puncture resistance and abrasion resistance), chemical protection (permeation resistance, degradation) and other performance characteristics such as ignition resistance and vibration reductions based on standardized test methods. Descriptions of the test methods used in this standard are provided. Different levels of performance are specified for each property with zero (0) representing the minimal protection or none at all.
ISEA: International Safety Equipment Association [isea]