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ISO 19598:2016

Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of zinc and zinc alloys on iron or steel with supplementary Cr(VI)-free treatment

ISO 19598:2016 applies to electrodeposited zinc and zinc-alloy coatings on iron and steel with Cr(VI)-free passivation. The zinc-alloy coatings contain nickel or iron as alloying elements (referred to as zinc/nickel and zinc/iron coatings, respectively).

The main purpose of the coatings or coating systems is protecting iron and steel components against corrosion.

ISO 19598:2016 specifies

- the designations to be used for the above coating systems,

- the minimum corrosion resistance to be achieved in specified test procedures, and

- the minimum coating thicknesses required.

International Organization for Standardization [iso]

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