Other Vehicle Electronics Standards cover rotating electrical machines (motors) for rail and road vehicles, starter motors, technical documentation of electrical and electronic systems, lamps, switching devices, and other vehicle electronics standards. This collection of topics serves to complement the previous categories, bringing to light smaller areas of standardization that do not normally receive as large of a focus. These standards are related to electronic switching devices.
This part of ISO 7588 specifies dimensional characteristics and the functional allocation of relay and flasher terminals intended for road vehicles. Annex A gives additional information on the dimensions of socket apertures and annex B gives additional information on the different terminal functional allocation of flasher unit systems.
This part of ISO 7588 specifies dimensional characteristics of electronic devices intended for road vehicles. Annex A gives additional information on the dimensions of socket apertures and annex B gives recommended terminal identification.
This part of ISO 7588 specifies dimensional characteristics and the functional allocation of microrelay terminals intended for road vehicles. Annex A gives additional information on the dimensions of socket apertures.