Electronics Standards

Electronics standards apply to both electronic components and the more complicated equipment built out of them. With standards for resistors, transducers, capacitors, and other components, as well as also addressing specific requirements of high reliability electronics such as those used in automotive/aerospace or military applications, electronic component standards address from the simple to the complex.


Semiconductor Standards cover the entire supply chain, from design and fabrication, to testing, following through to design specifications for devices using semiconductors, as well as their testing and use-cases. Covering everything from the simplest devices to devices designed for the demanding environments of avionics, semiconductor standards address the whole semiconductor industry.

Electronic Component Standards

US and international standards for electronic components, capacitors, transducers, surge protectors, LEDs, and resistors find wide application in consumer products, vehicles, medical devices, sensors and controls for industrial use and more. A representative selection of nearly one hundred standards published in recent years covering electronic components are provided here. IEC and IEEE, two standard developing organizations focused on electronics, have contributed a great deal to standardizing their design, manufacture, testing, use, and end-of-life procedures.

High Reliability Electronics Standards

High reliability and military electronics standards address the design and production of electronics that have to meet demanding requirements due to how and where they are used. With military applications and the aerospace industry as obvious sources of such demand, the automotive industry contributes its demand for extremely reliable electronics, expanding the field further.


International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) standards are part of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and control electromagnetic interference in electrical devices, ranging from radios to vehicles. More specifically CISPR’s main focus is at the higher end of frequencies, 9 kHz and up. Topics include specifications for EMC test requirements and conditions for EMC testing.

Consumer Electronics

Consumer electronics standards include documents that are published by ESDA, IEC, IPC, and ASME. A popular standard listed is the ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021, Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices), which is important for organizations that manufacture, process, assemble, install, package, label, service, test, inspect, and transport a wide variety of electronic parts including printed circuit boards and other electronic components.


Processor electronics standards are published by IEC and ISO. This list covers a variety of computation topics such as terminology of microprocessors and numerical control in computers. Processors must be able to perform operations such as floating point arithmetic, numerical control, and post-processing.