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This Standard provides requirements and guidelines for the establishment and execution of quality assurance programs during siting, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Nuclear facilities can include nuclear power plants (NPP), small modular reactors (SMR), and advanced reactors. This Standard reflects industry experience and current understanding of the quality assurance requirements necessary to achieve safe, reliable, and efficient utilization of nuclear energy, and management and processing of radioactive materials. The Standard focuses on the achievement of results, emphasizes the role of the individual and line management in the achievement of quality, and fosters the application of these requirements in a manner consistent with the relative importance of the item or activity.
This standard provides criteria for the selection, qualification, and training of personnel for nuclear power plants. The qualifications of personnel in the operating organizations appropriate to safe and efficient operation of a nuclear power plant are addressed in terms of the minimum education, experience, and training requirements. Requirements of this standard do not apply to test, mobile, training and research reactors.
Preface This is the second edition of CSA N299.1, Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants, Category 1. It supersedes the previous edition published in 2016. The CSA N299 series of Standards defines quality assurance program requirements for the provision of items and services for nuclear power plants when specified in the contract between the customer and the supplier. The most significant updates to this edition include a) the addition of requirements on dedication in Clause 8; b) the revision of Annex E to provide guidance on counterfeit, fraudulent, and suspect items (CFSIs); c) the addition of Annex F to provide guidance on risk evaluation; and d) the addition of Annex G to provide guidance on records. This Standard has also been restructured and reordered for better readability. Users of this Standard are reminded that civilian nuclear facilities in Canada are subject to the provisions of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act and its Regulations. Scope 1.1 1.1.1 This Standard defines minimum requirements for a supplier’s quality assurance program (hereafter referred to as "QA program") for the supply of items and services to nuclear power plants — Category 1. Notes: 1) This Standard does not include a separate implementation guide; instead, relevant guidance is found throughout the Standard as notes, or within the relevant annex (see Annexes B through G). 2) The requirements in this Standard do not restrict or specify the form that suppliers’ programs should take; nor do they specify how to establish such programs. The requirements only specify what these programs cover; they allow suppliers to determine how their programs should be structured in order to suit their own situations and objectives. The onus is on suppliers to develop programs in a consistent and systematic way that allows customers, recognized qualifying authorities, or regulatory authorities to survey and audit the programs. 3) This Standard may provide guidance for nuclear facilities other than nuclear power plants. The operators of these facilities may determine the applicability and suitability of this Standard. 1.1.2 The QA program is aimed primarily at preventing nonconforming conditions by controlling design, production, and verification processes, and by developing corrective actions that a) ensure items or services conform to specified requirements; b) maintain control of, and confirm compliance to, quality and customer requirements; and Note: Typically, customer requirements are found in the contract between the customer and the supplier. c) readily detect and control the disposition of nonconformances and prevent their recurrence. 1.2 This Standard applies to suppliers and subsuppliers when specified by the customer. Note: Other QA program standards or management system standards may be used provided that the requirements of this Standard are met. 1.3 In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
This standard establishes the functional requirements for full-scope nuclear power plant control room simulators that are subject to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulation for use in operator training and examination. This standard also establishes criteria for the scope of simulation, performance, and functional capabilities of nuclear power plant control room simulators. This standard does not establish criteria for the use of simulators in training programs.
This standard is applicable to operations with fissionable materials outside nuclear reactors, except for the assembly of these materials under controlled conditions, such as in critical experiments. Generalized basic criteria are presented and limits are specified for some single fissionable units of simple shape containing 233U, 235U, or 239Pu, but not for multiunit arrays. Subcritical limits for certain multiunit arrays are contained in American National Standard Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials, ANSI/ANS-8.7-1998 (R2012). Requirements are stated for validation of any calculational method used in assessing nuclear criticality safety. This standard does not include the details of administrative controls, the design of processes or equipment, the description of instrumentation for process control, nor detailed criteria to be met in transporting fissionable materials. Guidance for transporting LWR fuel is contained in American National Standard Criticality Safety Criteria for the Handling, Storage, and Transportation of LWR Fuel Outside Reactors, ANSI/ANS-8.17-2004 (R2009).
This standard provides: (i) criteria for selecting the Seismic Design Category (SDC) for nuclear facility structures, systems, and components (SSCs) to achieve earthquake safety and (ii) criteria and guidelines for selecting Limit States for these SSCs to govern their seismic design. The Limit States are selected to ensure the desired safety performance in an earthquake. The Seismic Design Categories (SDCs) used in this standard are not the same as the SDCs referred to in the International Building Code (IBC).
This document was developed and is maintained by the ASME Committee on Operation and Maintenance (OM Committee) of Nuclear Power Plants. The OM Committee develops, revises, and maintains codes, standards, and guides applicable to the safe and reliable operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants. The Committee operates under procedures accredited by the American National Standards Institute as meeting the criteria of consensus procedures for American National Standards.
This standard (1) provides design criteria for liquid-fuel molten salt reactors that match the safety intent of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 10, Part 50, Appendix A, general design criteria following an equivalent process to that performed by NRC Regulatory Guide 1.232 for modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and sodium-cooled fast reactors; (2) provides definitions of molten salt reactors terminology important for safety evaluation; (3) describes distinctive safety considerations for MSRs; and (4) provides a molten salt reactor-focused description of a risk-informed design process following the methodology described in NEI 18-04 and ANSI/ANS-53.1-2011 (R2021).
This standard provides a procedure to measure and index the release rates of non-volatile radionuclides from low-level radioactive waste forms in demineralized water over a test period. It can be applied to any material from which test specimens can be prepared by casting or cutting into a shape for which the surface area and volume can be determined. The results of this procedure do not represent waste form degradation in any specific environmental situation or represent waste form performance. The test method presented in this standard is an adaptation of the method published in the 1986 version of this standard but constrains test parameter values and data analyses to support direct comparisons of test responses of different waste form materials.
This standard provides a set of typical radionuclide concentrations for estimating the radioactivity in the principal fluid systems of light water reactors and for projecting the expected releases of radioactivity from nuclear plants. It is not intended that the values be used as the sole basis for design but be used in environmental reports and elsewhere where expected operating conditions over the life of the plant would be appropriate.
This Standard specifies methods for demonstrating that Type B packages designed for transport of normal form radioactive material comply with the containment requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 71 (10 CFR Part 71). This Standard describes : Package release limits; Methods for relating package release limits to allowable and reference leakage rates; Minimum requirements for leakage rate test procedures. This Standard provides requirements for the following leakage rate tests; Design; Fabrication; Maintenance; Periodic; Pre shipment. This Standard also contains non-mandatory appendices on leakage rate test methods, determination of reference leakage rates, and determinations of activity in the medium.
This standard sets forth the design, construction, and performance requirements for a solid radioactive waste processing system for light-water-cooled reactor plants. For the purposes of this standard, the solid radioactive waste processing system begins at the interface with the liquid radioactive waste processing system boundary and at the inlets to the spent resin, filter sludge, evaporator and/or membrane concentrate, and phase separator tanks. In addition, this standard pertains to dry active waste, mixed waste, and other solid radioactive waste forms that are generated as part of the operation and maintenance of light-water-cooled reactor plants. The system includes facilities for temporary (up to 30 days of anticipated normal waste generation) on-site storage of packaged waste but terminates at the point of loading the filled drums and other containers on a vehicle. The solid radioactive waste processing system is not a safety-class system as defined by ANS-51.1-1983 (R1988) (withdrawn) or ANS-52.1-1983 (R1988) (withdrawn).