
Space particle testing standards are published by ISO and BS. The ISO documents cover space environment and space systems, including the method of solar energetic protons fluences and peak fluxes determination, simulation guidelines for radiation exposure of non-metallic materials, and the galactic cosmic ray model. The BS documents cover space engineering and space product assurance.

ISO/TR 18147:2014

Space environment (natural and artificial) - Method of the solar energetic protons fluences and peak fluxes determination

ISO/TR 18147:2014 is intended for calculating the probability for solar energetic particle (SEP) to have an impact on materials, hardware, and biological objects. ISO/TR 18147:2014 establishes the differential energy spectra for the (0,1/10 3 ) MeV SEP fluences and/or peak fluxes in the near-earth space, beyond the earth magnetosphere during the missions any duration under varying solar activity. If additional prepositions are used, the method establishes the basic fluences and peak fluxes for their determination throughout the heliosphere. When the effect of the particle penetration into the magnetosphere is taken into account, the method establishes the basic fluences and peak fluxes for their determination on the near-earth spacecraft and manned station orbits. Because the occurrence of SEP is a process a probabilistic nature, fluences and peak fluxes calculation relate to the different levels of probability. The method is intended for specialists engaged in determination of radiation conditions in space.

ISO 15856:2010

Space systems - Space environment - Simulation guidelines for radiation exposure of non-metallic materials

ISO 15856:2009 is the first part of a series on space environment simulation for on-ground tests of materials used in space. This International Standard covers the testing of non-metallic materials exposed to simulated space radiation. Non-metallic materials include glasses, ceramics and polymer-metal composite materials such as metal matrix composites and laminated materials. ISO 15856:2009 does not cover semiconductor materials used for electronic components. The types of simulated radiation include charged particles (electrons and protons), solar ultraviolet radiation and soft X-radiation of solar flares. Synergistic interactions of the radiation environment are covered only for these natural, and some induced, environmental effects. ISO 15856:2009 outlines the recommended methodology and practices for the simulation of space radiation effects on materials. Simulation methods are used to reproduce the effects of the space radiation environment on materials that are located on surfaces of space vehicles and behind shielding.

ISO 15390:2004

Space environment (natural and artificial) - Galactic cosmic ray model

ISO 15390:2004 specifies a model for estimating the radiation impact of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) on hardware and on biological and other objects when in space. ISO 15390:2004 can also be used in scientific research to generalize the available experimental evidence for GCR fluxes. ISO 15390:2004 establishes the model parameters and characteristics of variations in the 10 1 MeV to 10 5 MeV GCR particles (electrons, protons, and Z = 2 to 92 nuclei in the near-Earth space beyond the Earth's magnetosphere).

BS EN 16603-35-06:2014

Space engineering. Cleanliness requirements for spacecraft propulsion hardware (British Standard)

ECSS-E-ST-35-06 belongs to the Propulsion field of the mechanical discipline, and concerns itself with the cleanliness of propulsion components, sub-systems and systems The standard ò defines design requirements which allow for cleaning of propulsion components sub-systems and systems and which avoid generation or unwanted collection of contamination, ò identifies cleanliness requirements (e.g. which particle / impurity / wetness level can be tolerated), ò defines requirements on cleaning to comply with the cleanliness level requirements, and the requirements on verification, ò identifies the cleanliness approach, cleaning requirements, (e.g. what needs to be done to ensure the tolerable level is not exceeded, compatibility requirements), ò identifies, specifies and defines the requirements regarding conditions under which cleaning or cleanliness verification takes place (e.g. compatibility, check after environmental test). The standard is applicable to the most commonly used propulsion systems and their related storable propellant combinations: Hydrazine (N2H4), Mono Methyl Hydrazine (CH3N2H3), MON (Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen), Nitrogen (N2), Helium (He), Propane (C3H8), Butane (C4H10) and Xenon (Xe). This standard is the basis for the European spacecraft and spacecraft propulsion industry to define, achieve and verify the required cleanliness levels in spacecraft propulsion systems. This standard is particularly applicable to spacecraft propulsion as used for satellites and (manned) spacecraft and any of such projects including its ground support equipment. External cleanliness requirements, e.g. outside of tanks, piping and aspects such as fungus and outgassing are covered by ECSS-Q-ST-70-01. This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristic and constraints of a space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00.