Preparation of steel substrates particle testing standards are published by ISO. They include tests for surface cleanliness, chilled-iron grit, determination of particle size distribution, determination of hardness, determination of apparent density, determination of percentage defective particles, determination of foreign matter, copper refinery slag, coal furnace slag, nickel slag, iron and steel slags, fused aluminum oxide, olivine, staurolite, and almandite garnet.
ISO 8502-3:2017 describes a method for the assessment of dust remaining on cleaned steel surfaces prepared for painting. It provides pictorial ratings for the assessment of the average quantity of dust. It also provides descriptive classes for the assessment of the average size of the dust particles. The method described is a qualitative test useful for a steel surface, before cleaning, corresponding to rust grade A, B or C as defined in ISO 8501 1. It can be used as a pass/fail test or to provide a permanent record of the dust present on a surface.
This document specifies requirements for 12 grades of chilled-iron grit abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes, together with corresponding grade designations. Values are specified for hardness, density, defect/structural requirements and chemical composition. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11125. Chilled-iron grit abrasives are used in both static and site blasting equipment. They are most often selected where a facility exists for recovery and re-use of the abrasive. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504-2.
This document specifies a test method for the determination of particle size distribution of metallic blast-cleaning abrasives by sieving. This is one of a number of parts of ISO 11125 dealing with the sampling and testing of metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of metallic abrasive and requirements on each are contained in the various parts of ISO 11124. The ISO 11124 and ISO 11125 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.
This document specifies a test method for the determination of the Vickers hardness of metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. This method is not recommended for the testing of particle sizes below 0,3 mm. NOTE Accurate testing of particles below 0,3 mm (grades S040/G050) is extremely difficult. This is one of a number of parts of ISO 11125 dealing with the sampling and testing of metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of metallic abrasive and requirements on each are contained in the various parts of ISO 11124. The ISO 11124 and ISO 11125 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.
This document specifies a test method for the determination of the apparent density of metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. The purpose of the test is to establish the soundness of the metallic abrasive. Significant levels of internal shrinkage or hollow particles will reduce the apparent density. This is one of a number of parts of ISO 11125 dealing with the sampling and testing of metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of metallic abrasive and requirements on each are contained in the various parts of ISO 11124. The ISO 11124 and ISO 11125 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.
This document specifies test methods for the determination of the percentage of defective particles and of the microstructure of metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. This is one of a number of parts of ISO 11125 dealing with the sampling and testing of metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of metallic abrasive and requirements on each are contained in the various parts of ISO 11124. The ISO 11124 and ISO 11125 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.
This document specifies a test method for the determination of foreign matter in metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. The purpose of the test is to establish the level to which the abrasive is contaminated by foreign matter. The level of foreign matter, e.g. oxides and residual metallurgical slag, is determined by magnetic separation. This is one of a number of parts of ISO 11125 dealing with the sampling and testing of metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of metallic abrasive and requirements on each are contained in the various parts of ISO 11124. The ISO 11124 and ISO 11125 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.
This document specifies requirements for copper refinery slag abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies requirements for coal furnace slag abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies requirements for nickel slag abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies requirements for iron and steel slag abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies requirements for fused aluminium oxide abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, bulk density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE 1 Information on commonly referenced national and international standards is given in Bibliography. NOTE 2 Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies requirements for olivine abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this document apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although this document has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified will generally be appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast-cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504-2.
This part of ISO 11126 specifies requirements for staurolite abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning processes. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in this part of ISO 11126 apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127.
ISO 11126-10:2017 specifies requirements for almandite garnet abrasives, as supplied for blast-cleaning. It specifies ranges of particle sizes and values for apparent density, Mohs hardness, moisture content, conductivity of aqueous extract and water-soluble chlorides. The requirements specified in ISO 11126-10:2017 apply to abrasives supplied in the new condition only. They do not apply to abrasives either during or after use. Test methods for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives are given in the various parts of ISO 11127. NOTE Although ISO 11126-10:2017 has been developed specifically to meet requirements for preparation of steelwork, the properties specified are generally appropriate for use when preparing other material surfaces, or components, using blast- cleaning techniques. These techniques are described in ISO 8504 2.
This document specifies a method for the determination of the particle size distribution of non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives by sieving. This document is a part of the ISO 11127 series dealing with the sampling and testing of non-metallic abrasives for blast-cleaning. The types of non-metallic abrasive and requirements for each are contained in the ISO 11126 series. The ISO 11126 and ISO 11127 series have been drafted as a coherent set of International Standards on non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives. Information on all parts of both series is given in Annex A.