ANSI Welcomes New Members

New York, Jul 31, 2003

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a private non-profit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system, proudly welcomes the fourteen new members that joined the Federation during July 2003. The twelve companies and two associations joined the Institute under a new market-based membership structure that ties investment directly to the level of service and involvement dictated by the specific and unique needs of each member.

The new members include:

SAS Institute, Inc., provides business intelligence software and services used at more than 40,000 sites - including 90 percent of the Fortune 500 – to develop more profitable relationships with customers and suppliers.

City of Escondido, California

Rand Engineering specializes in consulting services for evaluating, renovating, and upgrading residential and commercial properties.

The Scriptel Corporation provides high performance stylus and finger touch input digitizer technology.

Black & Decker is a global manufacturer and marketer of quality power tools and accessories, hardware and home improvement products, and technology-based fastening systems.

Sunoco, Inc., is a leading manufacturer and marketer of petroleum and petrochemical products.

The Platinum Financial Group, LLC, offers a wide range of prepaid products and services such as prepaid bank cards, prepaid cellular, prepaid long distance, prepaid internet access, prepaid home phone, and prepaid satellite TV.

TradeWinds Environmental Restortion, Inc. provides immediate response, remediation, and restoration services following catastrophes such as fire, smoke, water, wind, oil/chemical spill, biological hazard, explosion or radiological release.

Thompson Consulting, Inc.

Qpay, Inc., provides services that connect retailers to pre-pay service providers, focusing on wireless networks.

International Professional Services & Consulting, LLC, provides scientific consulting services.

2-UP ATV Manufacturers Association was formed to develop 2-Up All-Terrain Vehicle standards.

Oakley Inc. is renown for their high-performance sunglasses and has developed and secured over 600 patents and 800 trademarks worldwide for the technologies in their new sunglasses line. The Oakley product matrix has been expanded to now include footwear, apparel, watches and a prescription eyewear line.

Miller Engineering Associates provides engineering, safety, consumer research and expert forensic services in warnings, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and agricultural and biological engineering.

Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) provides retail electric service to approximately 440,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Indianapolis, Indiana and other central Indiana communities.

"ANSI membership provides maximum flexibility and value," said John Kalemkerian, the Institute's vice president of membership, communications and education. Members choose the level of access they desire and select from an extensive collection of service, benefits and ‘a la carte’ options."

Comprised of businesses, professional societies and trade associations, standards developers, government agencies, and consumer and labor organizations, the ANSI Federation represents the diverse interests of more than 120,000 entities and 3.2 million professionals worldwide. ANSI’s mission is to enhance U.S. global competitiveness and the American quality of life by promoting, facilitating, and safeguarding the integrity of the voluntary standardization system. ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ANSI currently has offices in New York City and Washington, DC.