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ASTM E3377 / ISO 14064 / ISO 14065 / ISO 14066 - Greenhouse Gases ESG Package

ASTM E3377 / ISO 14064 / ISO 14065 / ISO 14066 - Greenhouse Gases ESG Package (Save 27% off List Prices)

Access the ASTM E3377 / ISO 14064 / ISO 14065 / ISO 14066 - Greenhouse Gases ESG Package for specifications on quantifying, reporting, monitoring and validating greenhouse gases emissions. The ASTM E3377 / ISO 14064 / ISO 14065 / ISO 14066 - Greenhouse Gases ESG Package also includes the Framework for Implementing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Principles.

ASTM E3377 / ISO 14064 / ISO 14065 / ISO 14066 - Greenhouse Gases ESG Package includes:

ASTM International [astm]