Cards and security devices for personal identification - Contactless proximity objects - Part 3: Initialization and anticollision
This document describes the following:
- polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD);
- the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of communication between PCDs and PICCs;
- the initial Request and Answer to Request command content;
- methods to detect and communicate with one PICC among several PICCs (anticollision);
- other parameters required to initialize communications between a PICC and PCD;
- optional means to ease and speed up the selection of one PICC among several PICCs based on application criteria;
- optional capability to allow a device to alternate between the functions of a PICC and a PCD to communicate with a PCD or a PICC, respectively. A device which implements this capability is called a PXD.
Protocol and commands used by higher layers and by applications and which are used after the initial phase are described in ISO/IEC 14443‑4.
This document is applicable to PICCs of Type A and of Type B (as described in ISO/IEC 14443‑2), to PCDs (as described in ISO/IEC 14443‑2) and to PXDs.
NOTE 1 Part of the timing of data communication is defined in ISO/IEC 14443‑2.
NOTE 2 Test methods for this document are defined in ISO/IEC 10373‑6.
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