Most recent
ANSI Z136.8-2021
Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing
One of the latest offerings in a range of vital resources for laser personnel. This standard includes policies and procedures to ensure laser safety in any area where research, development or testing is performed, including Universities, product development labs, private and government research labs (e.g., National Laboratories) and product testing settings. From this standard, LSOs will find useful guidance and recommendations for the safe use of lasers and laser systems that operate at wavelengths between 180 nm ultraviolet (UV) and 1 mm (1000 m) infrared (IR), used in research, development, or testing environments predominantly in an indoor setting. 2021 UPDATES TO THE STANDARD INCLUDE: New color figures; New Sample forms for: Room interlock checks; On-the-Job-Training; Barrier testing; Audits; Risk assessment; Expanded sections on: Robotics; Fiber optic use; Laser accidents; More detailed appendices on: High intensity lasers; Frequently asked program questions; Frequently asked technical questions; Regulatory overview; Laser Safety Officer (LSO) Duties and Responsibilities Table; Updated definitions. This standard is an invaluable resource for LSOs maintaining safety programs in research, development, or testing environments.
Laser Institute of America [lia]