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ANSI Z136.1 and Z136.7 Combination Set

Safe Use of Lasers and Testing and Labeling of Laser Protective Equipment

The ANSI Z136.1 and Z136.7 Combination Set defines each of the seven laser hazard classifications along with technical information in regards to measurements, calculations and biological effects. It also provides direction on test methods, protocols, and specifications for devices used to provide eye protection from lasers. Testing procedures are also included to assure that any laser barriers maintain a specified level of protection throughout the product's lifetime.

ANSI Z136.1 and Z136.7 Combination Set includes:

Laser Institute of America [lia]

American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Manufacturing Environments
American National Standard Recommended Practice for Laser Safety Measurements for Hazard Evaluation
Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing