Landscaping and Landscaping Equipment

Landscaping and landscaping equipment standards are published primarily by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute. Included is the OPEI 5395 series, which is the guideline for safe operation of different kinds of lawn mowers including rideable and pedestrian-controlled. Other standards included in this list cover irrigation systems, lighting, mulch films, chainsaws, and electric hedge trimmers.

ANSI/OPEI B71.1-2017

Consumer Turf Care Equipment - Pedestrian-Controlled Mowers and Ride-On Mowers - Safety Specifications

The safety specifications given in this standard are for powered (a) reel and rotary pedestrian-controlled lawn mowers, (b) reel and rotary ride-on lawn mowers, (c) ride-on lawn tractors with mower attachments, (d) ride-on lawn and garden tractors with mower attachments, and (e) lever-steer and zero-turn ride-on mowers. These specifications are intended to provide safety requirements and to help ensure uniform operator environments. They are intended to apply to products specifically intended as consumer products for the personal use of a consumer around a house.

ANSI/OPEI B71.4-2012

Commercial Turf Care Equipment - Safety Specifications

The safety specifications given in this standard are for powered (a) pedestrian-controlled machines, (b) ride-on machines and (c) implements for use with pedestrian and ride-on machines intended for marketing as commercial turf care equipment and that are customarily used by hired operators. Equipment covered may consist of two or more components that are functionally connected and may be produced by different manufacturers. Specific requirements are established in the standard for reel, rotary, and flail mowers as well as power rakes because of their prevalence, but this standard is intended to apply to all types of commercial turf care equipment. Each functional component shall conform to each section of this standard as it logically applies. Additionally, this standard applies to all aftermarket parts, attachments and accessories. Any manufacturer of aftermarket parts, attachments, implements, and accessories is responsible for ensuring compliance to this standard. Safety specifications in this standard apply only to a configuration of attachments, implements, and accessories approved by their respective manufacturers.

ANSI/OPEI B175.2-2012 (R2019)

Outdoor Power Equipment - Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Handheld and Backpack Blowers and Blower-Vacuums - Safety Requirements and Performance Testing Procedures

The requirements of this standard apply to handheld and backpack internal combustion engine-powered blowers and blower-vacuums. This standard does not apply to ride-on, towed, or walk-behind units. This standard does not apply to electrically powered units.

ANSI/OPEI 5395-1-2024

Garden Equipment - Safety Requirements for Combustion-Engine-Powered Lawnmowers - Part 1: Terminology and Common Tests

This part of OPEI 5395 specifies terminology and common test methods used for verification of safety requirements for combustion engine powered rotary lawnmowers and cylinder lawnmowers including pedestrian-controlled (with or without sulky) and ride-on types (hereafter named "lawnmower"), and equipped with: - metallic cutting means and/or; - non-metallic cutting means with one or more cutting elements pivotally mounted on a generally circular drive unit, where these cutting elements rely on centrifugal force to achieve cutting, and have a kinetic energy for each single cutting element of 10 J (7.4 ft-lb) or more.

ANSI/OPEI 5395-2-2024

Garden Equipment - Safety Requirements for Combustion-Engine-Powered Lawnmowers - Part 2: Pedestrian-Controlled Lawnmowers

This part of OPEI 5395 specifies safety requirements and their verification for combustion-enginepowered pedestrian-controlled rotary lawnmowers and cylinder lawnmowers, including pedestriancontrolled mowers with a sulky having a seated operator (hereafter named "lawnmower"), and equipped with: -metallic cutting means; and/or - non-metallic cutting means with one or more cutting elements pivotally mounted on a generally circular drive unit, where these cutting elements rely on centrifugal force to achieve cutting, and have a kinetic energy for each single cutting element of 10 J (7.4 ft-lb) or more. 

ANSI/OPEI 5395-3-2024

Garden Equipment - Safety Requirements for Combustion-Engine-Powered Lawnmowers - Part 3: Ride-On Lawnmowers

This part of ANSI/OPEI 5395 specifies safety requirements and their verification for combustionengine-powered ride-on (seated) rotary lawnmowers and cylinder lawnmowers (hereafter named “lawnmower”), and equipped with: - metallic cutting means; and/or - non-metallic cutting means with one or more cutting elements pivotally mounted on a generally circular drive unit, where these cutting elements rely on centrifugal force to achieve cutting, and have a kinetic energy for each single cutting element of 10 J (7.4 ft-lb) or more.


Weather-Based Landscape Irrigation Control Systems

This standard describes a test method to determine an irrigation controller’s ability to respond to weather and conditions found within the typical landscape. Sometimes called “smart control systems” or “smart controllers,” these are controllers or devices that respond to environmental conditions by estimating or measuring depletion of available plant soil moisture in order to operate an irrigation system, replenishing water as needed while minimizing excess water use.

ASABE/ICC 802-2020

Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard

This standard is intended to establish minimum requirements for landscape irrigation emission devices to ensure adequate safety and performance, specify testing methods used to quantify product performance to enable componenet selection and specification in irrigation systems, and promote uniformity in classifying, rating and marking landscape irrigation emission devices.

ANSI/ASABE S626 SEP2016 (R2020)

Landscape Irrigation System Uniformity and Application Rate Testing

This standard provides methods for evaluating the application rate and/or uniformity of coverage of installed landscape irrigation systems. The landscapes covered include continuous areas of turf or small ground cover, or other areas where irrigation coverage is unimpeded by the landscape materials.

CSA C22.2 No. 250.7-2023

Extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems

Preface This is the third edition of CSA C22.2 No. 250.7, Extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems . This Standard is one of a series of Standards issued under the Canadian Electrical Code, Part II. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2020 and 2007. The following are the major changes to this edition: a) clarification for the use of LEDs and lasers that generate coherent light; b) removal of testing requirements for in-ground recessed landscape luminaire assemblies; c) clarification for the testing and marking requirements for power supplies and simplification of the use of light sources in luminaire assemblies; d) clarification for the testing of luminaires during the normal temperature tests; e) addition of marking for outdoor luminaires that require installation in or on a non-combustible material; and f) updates in accordance with CSA C22.2 No. 250.0 and other minor editorial corrections. This Standard contains specific requirements for extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems and is intended to be used together with the requirements for luminaires contained in CSA C22.2 No. 250.0. This Standard is considered suitable for use for conformity assessment within the stated scope of the Standard. This Standard was prepared by the Integrated Committee on Lighting Products, under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee on Consumer and Commercial Products and the Strategic Steering Committee on Requirements for Electrical Safety, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group. Scope  1.1  This Standard applies to extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems and associated components that are intended for cord-connected, direct plug-in, or permanent connection to a branch circuit of not more than 150 volts-to-ground in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.  1.2  This Standard only covers extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems where the maximum output circuit is 300 VA or 25 A, whichever is less, from each of the secondary safety extra-low-voltage circuits (SELV).  1.3  Extra-low-voltage landscape lighting systems covered by this Standard are intended for gardens, walkways, patio areas, or similar outdoor locations, and for specific indoor locations such as atriums and shopping malls in accordance with the marking on the product.  1.4  This Standard applies to the following associated components:  a) the isolating-type power supply;  b) one or more luminaire assemblies of the incandescent, fluorescent, LED, or HID type; and  c) flexible cable and associated connectors intended for use in the secondary circuit.  1.5  This Standard does not apply to luminaires covered by the following standards:  a) submersible luminaires covered by CSA C22.2 No. 89;  b) Christmas tree and other decorative lighting outfits covered by CSA C22.2 No. 37; and  c) portable luminaires covered by CSA C22.2 No. 250.4.  1.6  In this Standard, “shall” is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; “should” is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and “may” is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard.  Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.  Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application. 1.7  The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Standard. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

ANSI/ASABE S623.1 JAN2017 (R2022)

Determining Landscape Plant Water Demands

This methodology will provide an estimate of plant water demands of permanently installed, non-production based, established landscape materials. The standard will provide minimum water demands for acceptable plant appearance and function. This standard does not cover plants for sports fields, golf courses, or food production. This methodology is applicable for planning and design of planted landscape areas as defined in section 3. It is assumed throughout this standard that the soil around the plants in question are wetted uniformly by precipitation or irrigation.

ISO 23517:2021

Plastics - Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture - Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituentsRequirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents

This document is applicable to biodegradable plastic materials used to produce mulch films or biodegradable mulch films ready to be used for mulch applications in agriculture and horticulture.

This document specifies test methods and evaluation criteria by addressing the following characteristics:

a) control of constituents;

b) biodegradation;

c) negative effects on terrestrial organisms.

NOTE      This document is construed in a way that it can be used to assess other soil biodegradable plastic products that do not qualify as mulch films. For example: drip tape, twine, clips, and plant pots.

ASTM F3325-20

Standard Specification for Leg-Protective Devices for Chainsaw Users

1.1 This specification specifies minimum requirements for the design, performance, testing, and certification of protective clothing and protective devices designed to provide cut resistance protection to the legs of operators of power chainsaws.2

1.2 The objective of this specification is to prescribe fit, function, and performance criteria for protective clothing and protective devices that, when worn by chainsaw operators, are intended to reduce the severity of leg injuries caused by contact with a running power saw chain.

1.3 This standard is not intended to serve as a detailed manufacturing or purchasing specification, but can be referenced in purchase contracts to ensure that minimum performance requirements are met.

1.4 Controlled laboratory tests used to determine compliance with the performance requirements of this standard shall not be deemed as establishing performance levels for all situations to which chainsaw operators may be exposed.

1.5 Mandatory requirements are indicated by the use of “shall”; recommendations and advisory information are indicated by the use of “should.”

1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

ANSI/OPEI B175.6-2018

Outdoor Power Equipment - Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Hand-Held Hedge Trimmers - Safety and Environmental Requirements

The requirements of this standard apply to: (a) Internal combustion engine-powered, hand-held, hedge trimmers; (b) Internal combustion engine-powered, hand-held, extended-reach hedge trimmers; and (c) Internal combustion engine-powered, hand-held, multi-purpose machines when configured as a hedge trimmer.