Other Standards

ANSI offers standards from every field and industry, from those that garner widespread attention to those with niche applications. Listed here are those that don't fall into the categories above but are still critical.

Flood Prevention and Restoration

Flood prevention and drain quality standards are published by CSA, DIN, ASME, IICRC, and others. These include not only standards for safe measures to prevent the effects of surging water in buildings, but also documents like IICRC S500 for restoring water damage after the events of a flood. Another notable series listed below is the DIN 13564 series, which cover anti-flooding devices for buildings. Other documents cover the specifications of drains on floors and roofs to use civil engineering to prevent flooding from occuring in the first place.

Dentistry Standards

ISO Dentistry standards cover a range of topics, such as rotary tools, material properties and handling, implants, handpieces, data management, and even the furniture in the dentist's office. The majority of these standards address the tools and materials used in dental procedures, given the scope of their variety and the need for them to all work with each other and with the patient.

ANAB Accredited Standards

The ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) provides accreditation and training services to the certification body, validation and verification body, inspection and laboratory related communities. ANAB’s accreditation portfolio includes ISO/IEC 17021-1 management systems certification bodies, ISO/IEC 17025 calibration and testing laboratories and forensic laboratories, ISO/IEC 17065 product certification bodies, ISO/IEC 17020 inspection bodies and forensic agencies, ISO 14065 greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies, ISO 17034 reference material producers, ISO/IEC 17043 proficiency test providers, property and evidence control units, ISO/IEC 17024 personnel credentialing organizations, and ASTM 2659 certificate accreditation programs. ANAB also provides training on topics related to accreditation standards and conformity assessment. Access the official ANAB and ANSI storefront to purchase these listed standards to start your accreditation journey today.

Cryogenics Standards

Working with materials at very low temperatures, standards are needed to ensure maximum safety. Management and general guidelines are necessary to transport or store cryogens effectively and efficiently. Many other factors such as air quality, pressure and proper management of vessels are also included in cryogenic standards.


HVAC&R is something that people encounter everyday, whether at work or at home. The HVAC&R collection has separated categories for the installation and maintenance of your heating, ventilation, air conditioning, or refrigeration systems.


Technology is constantly evolving, advancing fields such as robotics. Robotics services many industries such as manufacturing, welding and more. This category lists standards for many of the fields that robotics serves.

Laser Standards

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, also more commonly known as lasers, are used in many different fields, medical, welding and manufacturing, military, displays and more. There are many categories of laser standards that address lasers in these industries as well as others.

Sterilization Standards

Having a clean environment is especially important for places such as laboratories and hospitals. This category goes into guidelines and practices for sterilization. This category also contains an extensive list for the sterilization of medical devices.

Residential Home Inspection Standards

Home inspection standards are grouped into six categories: electrical wiring standards, home structure standards, residential mold and fungus standards, residential plumbing standards, residential ventilation standards, and roofing standards. The main publishers of these American National Standards and international standards include ASTM, ASME, NEMA, and CSA. These standards outline the main systems used in various aspects of home inspection and are commonly used by industry professionals to inspect and service residential properties.

Smart and Sustainable Cities

Numerous standards exist for various areas under the umbrella of smart and sustainable cities. These include building standards, energy standards, wastewater standards, standards for intelligent transportation systems, electric vehicles and vehicle electronics, and more. Emerging standardization activities are exploring overarching areas such as key performance indicators for city services and quality of life, resilience, process management systems for municipal governance, information and communications technology aspects (sensor networks, data formats, communications between systems), etc. Additional standards will be added to this list as they are defined. For additional information, see the ANSI Network on Smart and Sustainable Cities.

INCITS Cybersecurity Packages

INCITS cybersecurity packages are compiled as a bundle of standards that follow specifications outlined by the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards. INCITS is the main US forum dedicated to creating technology standards for the next generation of innovation. In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, these packages contain tools that work against a variety of strategies hackers use. Discounts for packages mean you save when compared to individual standards

Building Standards

Building standards approach the standardization of buildings from multiple standpoints. Design considerations such as energy efficiency and seasonal thermal performance are covered alongside structural design and service-life planning. The International Code Council standards provide a framework for building design, construction, and maintenance through its collection of sixteen building codes. Lastly, there is a focus on door standards published by BHMA due to their importance in safety and functionality.

Wastewater Standards

Standards for the sampling, analysis, treatment, processing, and management of wastewater serve to help guide a process that many people rely on for their health and safety. With standards as narrowly focused as the standard test method for the determination of the quantity of a specific element in water, and as broadly concerned as the standards for security practices for an entire utility, wastewater standards address the entire path taken by water on its way to the end consumer. Standards developing organizations such as the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the International Society of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and NSF International contribute greatly to the field, as do other organizations which do not focus on wastewater and related topics, but still contribute within their specific fields of inquiry.

Gas Monitoring and Instrumentation Standards

Gas Monitoring and Instrumentation Standards describe general practices for sampling, measuring, and monitoring various gases in the environment. Through the establishment of uniform instrumentation techniques for the efficient analysis of gaseous effluents, standardization of analysis and reporting methods is made possible. These guidelines facilitate the examination of health safety issues associated with the reduction of radioactive emissions and enhancements to greenhouse gas removal, as well as providing several detailed solutions to these problems. In addition, the standards address various types of gas testing, such as leakage measurement, exhaust gas emissions, radioactivity of gaseous effluents, greenhouse gas emissions and more. AGA Gas Measurement Manuals provide guidelines for use of specific instruments vital to the process of gas measurement and monitoring.

Forensics Standards

Standards for forensic investigations guide and provide the accepted standard practice for a variety of procedures, ranging from the generic and widely applicable, such as the standard guide for physical evidence labeling and related documentation, to nuanced and specific guides, such as the microcrystal testing of cocaine. Given the focus on testing, ASTM International, founded as the American Society for Testing and Materials, is the standards developing organization behind a great majority of forensics standards. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and industry specific organizations such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) also developed many standards, doing their part to round out the collection of standard procedures. These standards guide the forensic field and provide uniformity and reliability in the collection, analysis, storage, and retrieval of forensic evidence.

Landscaping and Landscaping Equipment

Landscaping and landscaping equipment standards are published primarily by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute. Included is the OPEI 5395 series, which is the guideline for safe operation of different kinds of lawn mowers including rideable and pedestrian-controlled. Other standards included in this list cover irrigation systems, lighting, mulch films, chainsaws, and electric hedge trimmers.

ASTM Wood Standards

ASTM wood standards include the terminology, standard practices, specifications, and testing methods for wood and wood products. Guidelines address issues in all stages of the wood making process, including harvesting lumber from forests, protecting lumber and timber from termites and fungus, testing fire retardant wood, and testing the water solubility of wood products. Primary purposes for these guidelines are the creation of construction materials and wooden poles, such as electricity poles. Manufacturer adherence to wood testing guidelines can ensure worker safety and quality products.

Acoustical Society of America Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s standards are split into five categories: bioacoustics, noise, general acoustics, mechanical vibration, and animal bioacoustics. ASA is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards on acoustics, mechanical shock, noise and other associated subjects.

IEC Extended Versions

The Extended version (EXV) of an official IEC Standard provides the user with a comprehensive content consisting of the standard and its reference document, with replacements or additions being highlighted in the content of the EXV.

Some standards are required to be read in conjunction with another standard, i.e. reference document. Recognizing that it may be difficult to consult both standards simultaneously, we have now made available extended versions.

The EXV allow your experience with IEC Standards to be seamless and efficient as you consult key information and content in a single, easy to use document.

IEC Test Report Form

An IECEE Test Report Form (TRF) is a document prepared by a National Certification Body (NCB) allowing a test laboratory to record the evidence and the results of the tests and analysis made on a product. Its primary intent is to support the emission of a Certification Body Certificate. Close to 2,000 TRF are available, they focus mainly on electrical safety standards.

The required information to document a test or analysis is included in the TRF. It uses a common structure fully aligned with the structure of the IEC or ISO standard. No need to spend days to create your own forms, with the risk of forgetting something. These TRF will save you time and money.

The TRF publications may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the IECEE is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the material. IECEE takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its placement and context.

Sustainable Standards

Sustainability is becoming ever more imperative for our world. Sustainability is not only in the energy that can be produced through wind, solar and other methods, but also in the materials chosen for products and creating sustainable businesses. This category covers many facets of sustainability that will help get to a greener future.

Cameras and Photography

Camera and photography standards provide the most widely accepted industry practices for still images and film. They cover a variety of aspects ranging from performance specifications of modern cameras like noise, image flare, exposure, and ISO ratings. Because photography is subject to many aspects of the environment in which a photograph is taken, the standards listed can help adjust for many of these factors to ensure the best quality image and technical aspects for manufacturing an excellent camera.

Water Standards

Water is an imperative resource to the whole world. Making sure to treat it properly is essential for the environment to survive. These standards address how to treat wastewater as well as going into sustainability and our own drinking water.

Magnetic Materials Standards

These standards cover the use and testing of magnetic materials in lab settings and in products such as electronics and camera equipment. This collection also includes RedLine, which shows specific standard changes between editions.

Pharmaceutical Standards

Pharmaceutical standards are published by SDOs such as NSF, ISO, PDA, ASTM and others. They cover a wide variety of topics pertaining to pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing as well as best practices. A wide variety of standards from ASTM cover the manufacturing side of not only the drugs themselves, but also the medical devices that are required to administer specific life-saving drugs. The main standard on this topic is ASTM E2500-20, the Standard Guide for Specification, Design, and Verification of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Systems and Equipment as well as its redline-commented version.

Shipping and Packaging

Shipping and packaging standards are published primarily by ASTM and cover testing and requirements for shipping containers and packing supplies. For example, ASTM D4169-23e1 covers the standard practice for performance testing of shipping containers. The different requirements the standards cover vibration tests, compressive resistance testing, and impact testing for shipping containers. In addition, there are many standards related to testing and requirements for porous packaging material, integrity of seals by visual inspection, and leak detection.

Ventilators and Breathing Apparatuses

Ventilator and breathing apparatuses standards are published by CSA, ASTM, CGA, and ISO, covering various aspects of medical ventilators, oxygen canisters, and other forms of medical devices designed to assist patients’ breathing. A popular standard listed here is CGA G-4.1, cleaning equipment for oxygen service, which governs the sterilization and cleanliness of oxygen distribution systems. These standards are necessary for those working in the medical field.

Accessibility Standards

The greatest disability is not being able to rise to one's potential as a human being. These standards cover topics ranging from building accessibility to product conformity in the tools that those with disabilities use in their everyday lives.

American Waterworks Association (AWWA) Standards

Discover industry-leading standards for water treatment, transportation, and storage by the American Waterworks Association (AWWA). Explore categories including treatment, pipes, storage, pumps, plant equipment, and utility management for comprehensive guidance.

Land Surveying

Land surveying standards are published by ASTM and ISO. This list includes the ISO 17123 series, which covers topics relating to a wide variety of surveying equipment, such as optics for testing geodetic and surveying instruments. These specific tools require knowledge of theodolites, EDM measurements to reflectors, rotating lasers, optical plumbing instruments, GNSS measurements, and others. The ASTM standards cover other topics that are related to measuring sound levels around a site boundary and inspecting various types of pavements. Lastly, the list includes standards from NACE and ASCE related to evaluating underground pipes and geomatics engineering.

Real Estate

Real estate standards are published by ASTM, ISO, ICC, and CSA. They cover necessary plumbing and electrical codes of houses and how to inspect properties to assess damage and livability. These standards a must for any realtor or property investment business.

IEC Commented Redlines

The Commented Redline Version (CMV) is a new IEC value-added product. With the Commented Redline Version, stakeholders can view comments on the major changes between the previous edition and the new edition of the publication, including the committee's explanation and rationale for changes. CMVs can also include information on the impact of the changes on the application and usability of the standard. CMVs consist of a package, which includes both the new edition of the publication, and the Commented Redline Version. With the addition of comments on the major changes, CMVs are an enhanced version of the traditional IEC Redline Version (RLV), which highlight only the changes between the previous edition and the new edition. The creation of CMVs is a direct result of requests by end-users of IEC International Standards and is part of an ongoing effort by IEC to better serve the community's needs.

Listed below are all of the currently available IEC commented redlines.

Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition standards are published by NSF, ANSI, ISO, and British Standards. They cover manufacturing requirements for dietary standards, infant and adult nutritionals, and determination of vitamin content of foodstuffs. This group of documents mainly cover testing to determine the concentration of vitamins and nutrition.