ISO Quality Management General

ISO Quality Management Standards extend beyond the 9000/9001 series of standards. The ISO 10000 series of standards is comprised primarily of guidelines for customer satisfaction, as well as guidelines for other aspects of quality management. Other standards address the application of ISO 9001 in specific cases, such as local government, crop production, automotive production, and more.

ISO 9000:2015

Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary

ISO 9000:2015 describes the fundamental concepts and principles of quality management which are universally applicable to the following:

+ organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system;

+ customers seeking confidence in an organization's ability to consistently provide products and services conforming to their requirements;

+ organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain that their product and service requirements will be met;

+ organizations and interested parties seeking to improve communication through a common understanding of the vocabulary used in quality management;

+ organizations performing conformity assessments against the requirements of ISO 9001;

+ providers of training, assessment or advice in quality management;

+ developers of related standards.

ISO 9000:2015 specifies the terms and definitions that apply to all quality management and quality management system standards developed by ISO/TC 176.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality management systems - Requirements

ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:

a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.

ISO/TS 9002:2016

Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015

ISO/TS 9002:2016 provides guidance on the intent of the requirements in ISO 9001:2015, with examples of possible steps an organization can take to meet the requirements. It does not add to, subtract from, or in any way modify those requirements.

ISO/TS 9002:2016 does not prescribe mandatory approaches to implementation, or provide any preferred method of interpretation.

ISO 9004:2018

Quality management - Quality of an organization - Guidance to achieve sustained success

ISO 9004:2018 gives guidelines for enhancing an organization's ability to achieve sustained success. This guidance is consistent with the quality management principles given in ISO 9000:2015.

ISO 9004:2018 provides a self-assessment tool to review the extent to which the organization has adopted the concepts in this document.

ISO 9004:2018 is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size, type and activity.

ISO 10001:2018

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations

This document gives guidelines for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving customer satisfaction codes of conduct.

This document is applicable to product- and service-related codes containing promises made to customers by an organization concerning its behaviour. Such promises and related provisions are aimed at enhanced customer satisfaction. Annex A provides simplified examples of components of codes for different organizations.

NOTE Throughout this document, the terms "product" and "service" refer to the outputs of an organization that are intended for, or required by, a customer.

This document is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides, including organizations that design customer satisfaction codes of conduct for use by other organizations. Annex C gives guidance specifically for small businesses.

This document is aimed at customer satisfaction codes of conduct concerning individual customers purchasing or using goods, property or services for personal or household purposes, although it is applicable to all customer satisfaction codes of conduct.

This document does not prescribe the substantive content of customer satisfaction codes of conduct, nor does it address other types of codes of conduct, such as those that relate to the interaction between an organization and its personnel, or between an organization and its suppliers.

ISO 10002:2018

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations

This document gives guidelines for the process of complaints handling related to products and services within an organization, including planning, design, development, operation, maintenance and improvement. The complaints-handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system.

NOTE Throughout this document, the terms "product" and "service" refer to the outputs of an organization that are intended for, or required by, a customer.

This document is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. It is also intended for use by organizations in all sectors. Annex B provides guidance specifically for small businesses.

This document addresses the following aspects of complaints handling:

a) enhancing customer satisfaction by creating a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints), resolving any complaints received, and enhancing the organization's ability to improve its products and services, including customer service;

b) top management involvement and commitment through adequate acquisition and deployment of resources, including personnel training;

c) recognizing and addressing the needs and expectations of complainants;

d) providing complainants with an open, effective and easy-to-use complaints process;

e) analysing and evaluating complaints in order to improve the quality of products and services, including customer service;

f) auditing of the complaints-handling process;

g) reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the complaints-handling process.

This document does not apply to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes.

ISO 10003:2018

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations

This document gives guidelines for an organization to plan, design, develop, operate, maintain and improve an effective and efficient dispute-resolution process for complaints that have not been resolved by the organization.

This document is applicable to:

— complaints relating to the organization's products and services, the complaints-handling process or dispute-resolution process;

— resolution of disputes arising from domestic or cross-border business activities, including those arising from electronic commerce.

This document is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides, and deals with:

— guidance on determining when and how organizations can participate in dispute resolution;

— guidance on the selection of providers and use of their services;

— top management involvement in, and commitment to, dispute resolution and deployment of adequate resources within the organization;

— the essentials for fair, suitable, transparent and accessible dispute resolution;

— guidance on management of an organization's participation in dispute resolution;

— monitoring, evaluating and improving the dispute-resolution process.

This document is particularly aimed at dispute resolution between an organization and

— individuals purchasing or using products and services for personal or household purposes, or

— small businesses.

This document does not apply to the resolution of other types of disputes, such as employment disputes. It does not apply to complaints handling within an organization.

ISO 10004:2018

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring

This document gives guidelines for defining and implementing processes to monitor and measure customer satisfaction.

This document is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. The focus of this document is on customers external to the organization.

NOTE Throughout this document, the terms "product" and "service" refer to the outputs of an organization that are intended for, or required by, a customer.

ISO 10005:2018

Quality management - Guidelines for quality plans

This document gives guidelines for establishing, reviewing, accepting, applying and revising quality plans.

This document is applicable to quality plans for any intended output, whether a process, product, service, project or contract, and any type or size of organization.

It is applicable whether or not the organization has a management system in conformity with ISO 9001.

This document provides guidance and does not specify requirements.

It is focused primarily on the provision of outputs and is not a guide to the planning of quality management system development.

NOTE To avoid undue repetition of "process, product, service, project or contract", this document uses the term "specific case".

ISO 10006:2017

Quality management - Guidelines for quality management in projects

ISO 10006:2017 gives guidelines for the application of quality management in projects.

It is applicable to organizations working on projects of varying complexity, small or large, of short or long duration, being an individual project to being part of a programme or portfolio of projects, in different environments, and irrespective of the kind of product/service or process involved, with the intention of satisfying project interested parties by introducing quality management in projects. This can necessitate some tailoring of the guidance to suit a particular project.

ISO 10006:2017 is not a guide to project management itself. Guidance on quality in project management processes is presented in this document. Guidance on project management and related processes is covered in ISO 21500.

ISO 10006:2017 addresses the concepts of both "quality management in projects" and "quality management systems in projects". These are distinguished by being addressed separately by the following topics and clauses:

- quality management in projects includes: quality management systems in projects (Clause 4); management responsibility in projects (Clause 5); resource management in projects (Clause 6); product/service realization in projects (Clause 7); and measurement, analysis and improvement in projects (Clause 8);

- quality management systems in projects includes: project characteristics (4.1); quality management principles in projects (4.2); project quality management processes (4.3); and a quality plan for the project (4.4).

ISO 10007:2017

Quality management - Guidelines for configuration management

ISO 10007:2017 provides guidance on the use of configuration management within an organization. It is applicable to the support of products and services from concept to disposal.

ISO 10008:2013

Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transactions

ISO 10008:2013 provides guidance for planning, designing, developing, implementing, maintaining and improving an effective and efficient business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction (B2C ECT) system within an organization.

It is applicable to any organization engaged in, or planning to be engaged in, a business-to-consumer electronic commerce transaction, regardless of size, type and activity.

ISO 10008:2013 is not intended to form part of a consumer contract or to change any rights or obligations provided by applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

ISO 10008:2013 aims to enable organizations to set up a fair, effective, efficient, transparent and secure B2C ECT system, in order to enhance consumers' confidence in B2C ECTs and increase the satisfaction of consumers. It is aimed at B2C ECTs concerning consumers as a sub-set of customers.

The guidance given in ISO 10008:2013 can complement an organization's quality management system.

ISO 10012:2003

Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment

ISO 10012:2003 specifies generic requirements and provides guidance for the management of measurement processes and metrological confirmation of measuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliance with metrological requirements. It specifies quality management requirements of a measurement management system that can be used by an organization performing measurements as part of the overall management system, and to ensure metrological requirements are met.

ISO 10012:2003 is not intended to be used as a requisite for demonstrating conformance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or any other standard. Interested parties can agree to use ISO 10012:2003 as an input for satisfying measurement management system requirements in certification activities. Other standards and guides exist for particular elements affecting measurement results, for example, details of measurement methods, competence of personnel, interlaboratory comparisons.

ISO 10012:2003 is not intended as a substitute for, or as an addition to, the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

ISO/TR 10013:2001

Guidelines for quality management system documentation

This Technical Report provides guidelines for the development and maintenance of the documentation necessary to ensure an effective quality management system, tailored to the specific needs of the organization. The use of these guidelines will aid in establishing a documented system as required by the applicable quality management system standard.

This Technical Report may be used to document management systems other than that of the ISO 9000 family, for example environmental management systems and safety management systems.

ISO 10014:2021

Quality management systems - Managing an organization for quality results - Guidance for realizing financial and economic benefits

This document gives guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits by applying a top-down structured approach to achieving financial and economic benefits. The structured approach uses the quality management principles and quality management system described in the ISO 9000 family of management system standards to: a) monitor and manage trends in key performance metrics; b) take improvement action based on the observed metrics. This document is directed specifically to the top management of an organization. This document is applicable to any organization, whether from the public, private or not-for-profit sector, regardless of its business model, revenue, number of employees, diversity of product and service offerings, organizational culture, complexity of processes, place or number of locations. This document complements ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9004:2018 for performance improvements and provides examples of achievable benefits from the application of concepts in those standards. This document identifies associated practical management methods and tools to assist in realizing the benefits.

ISO 10017:2021

Quality management - Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2015

This document gives guidelines for the selection of appropriate statistical techniques that can be useful to an organization, irrespective of size or complexity, in developing, implementing, maintaining and improving a quality management system in conformity with ISO 9001:2015. This document does not provide guidance on how to use the statistical techniques.

ISO 10018:2020

Quality management - Guidance for people engagement

This document gives guidelines for engaging people in an organization's quality management system and on enhancing their involvement and competence within it. This document is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size, type or activity.

ISO 10019:2005

Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services

ISO 10019:2005 provides guidance for the selection of quality management system consultants and the use of their services.

It is intended to assist organizations when selecting a quality management system consultant. It gives guidance on the process for evaluating the competence of a quality management system consultant and provides confidence that the organization's needs and expectations for the consultant's services will be met.

ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 1: Requirements

ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 contains principles and requirements for the competence, consistency and impartiality of bodies providing audit and certification of all types of management systems.

Certification bodies operating to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 do not need to offer all types of management system certification.

Certification of management systems is a third-party conformity assessment activity and bodies performing this activity are therefore third-party conformity assessment bodies.

ISO/IEC 17021-2:2016

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 2: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of environmental management systems

ISO/IEC 17021‑2:2016 specifies additional competence requirements for personnel involved in the audit and certification process for environmental management systems (EMS) and complements the existing requirements of ISO/IEC 17021‑1.

ISO/IEC 17021-3:2017

Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems - Part 3: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of quality management systems

ISO/IEC 17021‑3:2017 specifies additional competence requirements for personnel involved in the audit and certification process for quality management systems (QMS) and complements the existing requirements of ISO/IEC 17021‑1.

ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018

Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015 to computer software

This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. All the requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. NOTE 1 In this International Standard, the terms product or service only apply to products and services intended for, or required by, a customer. NOTE 2 Statutory and regulatory requirements can be expressed as legal requirements. This document provides guidance for organizations in the application of ISO 9001:2015 to the acquisition, supply, development, operation and maintenance of computer software and related support services. It does not add to or otherwise change the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Annex A provides a table pointing to additional guidance on the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, available in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 and ISO/TC 176 International Standards. The guidelines provided in this document are not intended to be used as assessment criteria in quality management system registration/certification. However, some organizations can consider it useful to implement the guidelines proposed in this document and can be interested in knowing whether the resultant quality management system is compliant or not with this document. In this case, an organization can use both this document and ISO 9001 as assessment criteria for quality management systems in the software domain.