
Encryption software standards are published by ISO, IEC, IEEE, and FED. ISO standards cover verification of cryptographic protocols, authenticated encryption, security techniques, cipher block chaining packet encryption, modes of operation for an n-bit cipher, dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH), and traveler and traffic information. IEEE standards cover media access control, standard for authenticated encryption with length expansion for storage devices, wide-block encryption for shared media, and cryptographic protection of data on block-oriented storage devices. FED-STD-1026 covers interoperability and security requirements for use of data encryption. Many of these standards are available in a package which includes 15 Standards And A 35% Discount.

Digital Signature/Cryptography Package

Digital Signature/Cryptography Package features over 15 standards and a 35% discount...

This cryptographic techniques package is a great combination of information technology and security technique standards. The diverse mixture of standards cover hash functions, cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves, digital signatures and mechanisms using a variety of techniques. This comes complete with 20 standards. This package contains the following: ISO/IEC 15946-1:2016 ISO/IEC 9796-2:2010 ISO/IEC 9796-3:2006 ISO/IEC 9797-1:2011 ISO/IEC 9797-1:2011/Amd1:2023 ISO/IEC 9797-2:2021 ISO/IEC 9797-2:2021/Cor1:2024 ISO/IEC 10118-1:2016 ISO/IEC 10118-1:2016/Amd1:2021 ISO/IEC 10118-2:2010 ISO/IEC 10118-2/Cor1:2011 ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018 ISO/IEC 10118-4:1998 ISO/IEC 10118-4:1998/Amd1:2014 ISO/IEC 11770-1:2010 ISO/IEC 11770-2:2018 ISO/IEC 11770-3:2021 ISO/IEC 11770-4:2017 ISO/IEC 11770-4:2017/Amd1:2019 ISO/IEC 11770-4:2017/Amd2:2021 ISO/IEC 14888-1:2008 ISO/IEC 14888-2:2008 ISO/IEC 14888-2:2008/Cor1:2015 ISO/IEC 14888-3:2018

ISO/IEC 29128:2011

Information technology - Security techniques - Verification of cryptographic protocols

ISO/IEC 29128:2011 establishes a technical base for the security proof of the specification of cryptographic protocols. It specifies design evaluation criteria for these protocols, as well as methods to be applied in a verification process for such protocols. It also provides definitions of different protocol assurance levels consistent with evaluation assurance components in ISO/IEC 15408.

ISO/IEC 19772:2020

Information security - Authenticated encryption

This document specifies five methods for authenticated encryption, i.e. defined ways of processing a data string with the following security objectives: data confidentiality, i.e. protection against unauthorized disclosure of data; data integrity, i.e. protection that enables the recipient of data to verify that it has not been modified; data origin authentication, i.e. protection that enables the recipient of data to verify the identity of the data originator. All five methods specified in this document are based on a block cipher algorithm, and require the originator and the recipient of the protected data to share a secret key for this block cipher. Key management is outside the scope of this document. Key management techniques are defined in ISO/IEC 11770 (all parts). Four of the mechanisms in this document, namely mechanisms 3, 4, 5 (AAD variant only) and 6, allow data to be authenticated which is not encrypted. That is, these mechanisms allow a data string that is to be protected to be divided into two parts, D , the data string that is to be encrypted and integrity-protected, and A (the additional authenticated data) that is integrity-protected but not encrypted. In all cases, the string A can be empty. NOTE Examples of types of data that can need to be sent in unencrypted form, but whose integrity is to be protected, include addresses, port numbers, sequence numbers, protocol version numbers and other network protocol fields that indicate how the plaintext is to be handled, forwarded or processed.

ISO/IEC 7064:2003

Information technology - Security techniques - Check character systems

ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies a set of check character systems capable of protecting strings against errors which occur when people copy or key data. The strings may be of fixed or variable length and may have character sets which are numeric (10 digits: 0 to 9); alphabetic (26 letters: A to Z); alphanumeric (letters and digits). Embedded spaces and special characters are ignored. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies conformance requirements for products described as generating check characters or checking strings using the systems given in this International Standard. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 is for use in information interchange between organizations; it is also strongly recommended as good practice for internal information systems. The check character systems specified in ISO/IEC 7064:2002 can detect: all single substitution errors (the substitution of a single character for another, for example 4234 for 1234); all or nearly all single (local) transposition errors (the transposition of two single characters, either adjacent or with one character between them, for example 12354 or 12543 for 12345); all or nearly all shift errors (shifts of the whole string to the left or right); a high proportion of double substitution errors (two separate single substitution errors in the same string, for example 7234587 for 1234567); a high proportion of all other errors. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 excludes systems designed specifically to: permit both error detection and automatic correction; detect deliberate falsification; check strings interchanged solely between machines. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies two types of systems: pure systems; hybrid systems. The pure systems use a single modulus for all stages of the calculation.

ANSI/SCTE 52 2018

Data Encryption Standard – Cipher Block Chaining Packet Encryption Specification

This document defines a method for encrypting MPEG-2 transport stream packets using the Data Encryption Standard (DES) Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) encryption standard.

ISO/IEC 10116:2017

Information technology - Security techniques - Modes of operation for an n-bit block cipher

ISO/IEC 10116:2017 data during transmission or in storage). The defined modes only provide protection of data confidentiality. Protection of data integrity is not within the scope of this document. Also, most modes do not protect the confidentiality of message length information. NOTE 1 Methods for protecting the integrity of data using a block cipher are provided in ISO/IEC 9797-1. NOTE 2 Methods for simultaneously protecting the confidentiality and integrity of data are provided in ISO/IEC 19772. ISO/IEC 10116:2017 specifies the modes of operation and gives recommendations for choosing values of parameters (as appropriate). NOTE 3 The modes of operation specified in this document have been assigned object identifiers in accordance with ISO/IEC 9834. The list of assigned object identifiers is given in Annex A. In applications in which object identifiers are used, the object identifiers specified in Annex A are to be used in preference to any other object identifiers that can exist for the mode concerned. NOTE 4 Annex B contains comments on the properties of each mode and important security guidance.

ISO/IEC 23009-4:2018

Information technology - Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) - Part 4: Segment encryption and authentication

This document specifies: Format-independent segment encryption and signalling mechanisms for use with any media segment format used in DASH (ISO/IEC 23009-1). Mechanisms to ensure segment integrity and authenticity for use with any segment used in DASH (ISO/IEC 23009-1).

ISO 14819-6:2006

Traffic and Traveller Information (TTI) - TTI messages via traffic message coding - Part 6: Encryption and conditional access for the Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel ALERT C coding

ISO 14819-6:2006 establishes a method of encrypting certain elements of the ALERT-C coded data carried in the RDS-TMC type 8A data group, such that without application by a terminal or receiver of an appropriate keys, the information conveyed is virtually worthless. Before a terminal is able to decrypt the data, the terminal requires two keys . The first is given in confidence by the service provider to terminal manufacturers with whom they have a commercial relationship; the second is broadcast in the Encryption Administration Group, which is also a type 8A group. This specification explains the purpose of the two keys and how often and when the transmitted key may be changed. Before an individual terminal may present decrypted messages to the end-user, it must have been activated to do so. Activation requires that a PIN code be entered. The PIN code controls access rights to each service and subscription period, allowing both lifetime and term business models to co-exist. The specification also describes the considerations for service providers wishing to introduce an encrypted RDS-TMC service, migrating from either a free-to-air service based on public Location Tables or a commercial service based on a proprietary Location Table. Finally, hooks have been left in the bit allocation of the type 8A group to allow extension of encryption to other RDS-TMC services.

IEEE 802.1AEbn-2011

IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Media Access Control (MAC) Security Amendment 1: Galois Counter Mode--Advanced Encryption Standard-- 256 (GCM-AES-256) Cipher Suite

This amendment specifies the GCM-AES-256 Cipher Suite as an option in addition to the existing mandatory to implement Default Cipher Suite, GCM-AES-128.


Interoperability and Security Requirements for Use of the Data Encryption Standard in the Physical Layer of Data Communications

This standard specifies interoperability and security related requirements for using encryption at the Physical Layer of the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model in telecommunication system conveying Automatic Data Processing (ADP) and/or narrative text information.

IEEE 1619.1-2018

IEEE Standard for Authenticated Encryption with Length Expansion for Storage Devices

Revision Standard - Active.Cryptographic and data authentication procedures for storage devices that support length expansion, such as tape drives, are specified. Such procedures include the following cryptographic modes of operation for the AES block cipher: CCM, GCM, CBC-HMAC, and XTS-HMAC.

IEEE 1619.2-2021

IEEE Standard for Wide-Block Encryption for Shared Storage Media

EME2-AES and XCB-AES wide-block encryption with associated data (EAD) modes of the NIST AES block cipher, providing usage guidelines and test vectors, are described. A wide block encryption algorithm behaves as a single block cipher with a large plaintext input and ciphertext output, but uses a narrow block cipher [in this case Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)] internally. These encryption modes are oriented toward random access storage devices that do not provide authentication, but need to reduce the granularity of a potential attack.

IEEE 1619-2018

IEEE Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices

Revision Standard - Active.Cryptographic transform for protection of data in sector-level storage devices is specified in this standard.