Software product quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) standards are published by ISO and IEC. They include the ISO/IEC 25000 series, which cover the general guide, planning and management, system and software quality models, data quality model, quality measurement framework, quality measure elements, framework evaluation process, evaluation guide, evaluation module,RUSP testing and common industry format.
ISO/IEC 25000:2014 provides guidance for the use of the new series of International Standards named Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). The purpose of ISO/IEC 25000:2014 is to provide a general overview of SQuaRE contents, common reference models and definitions, as well as the relationship among the documents, allowing users of the Guide a good understanding of those series of standards, according to their purpose of use. It also contains an explanation of the transition process between the old ISO/IEC 9126 and the ISO/IEC 14598 series and SQuaRE.
ISO/IEC 25001:2014 provides requirements and recommendations for an organization responsible for implementing and managing the systems and software product quality requirements specification and evaluation activities through the provision of technology, tools, experiences, and management skills. The role of the evaluation group includes motivating employees and training them for the requirements specification and the evaluation activities, preparing appropriate documents, identification or development of required methods, and responding to queries on relevant technologies. Technology management is related to the planning and management of a systems and software quality requirements specification and evaluation process, measurements and tools. This includes the management of development, acquisition, standardisation, control, transfer and feedback of requirements specification and evaluation technology experiences within the organisation. The intended users of ISO/IEC 25001:2014 are those responsible for: managing technologies used for requirements specification and evaluation execution, specifying systems and software product quality requirements, supporting systems and software product quality evaluation, managing systems and software development organisations, as well as those in a quality assurance function. However, it is also applicable to managers involved in other systems or software related activities.
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 defines: A quality in use model composed of five characteristics (some of which are further subdivided into subcharacteristics) that relate to the outcome of interaction when a product is used in a particular context of use. This system model is applicable to the complete human-computer system, including both computer systems in use and software products in use. A product quality model composed of eight characteristics (which are further subdivided into subcharacteristics) that relate to static properties of software and dynamic properties of the computer system. The model is applicable to both computer systems and software products. The characteristics defined by both models are relevant to all software products and computer systems. The characteristics and subcharacteristics provide consistent terminology for specifying, measuring and evaluating system and software product quality. They also provide a set of quality characteristics against which stated quality requirements can be compared for completeness. Although the scope of the product quality model is intended to be software and computer systems, many of the characteristics are also relevant to wider systems and services. ISO/IEC 25012 contains a model for data quality that is complementary to this model. The scope of the models excludes purely functional properties, but it does include functional suitability. The scope of application of the quality models includes supporting specification and evaluation of software and software-intensive computer systems from different perspectives by those associated with their acquisition, requirements, development, use, evaluation, support, maintenance, quality assurance and control, and audit. The models can, for example, be used by developers, acquirers, quality assurance and control staff and independent evaluators, particularly those responsible for specifying and evaluating software product quality. Activities during product development that can benefit from the use of the quality models include: identifying software and system requirements; validating the comprehensiveness of a requirements definition; identifying software and system design objectives; identifying software and system testing objectives; identifying quality control criteria as part of quality assurance; identifying acceptance criteria for a software product and/or software-intensive computer system; establishing measures of quality characteristics in support of these activities.
ISO/IEC 25012:2008 defines a general data quality model for data retained in a structured format within a computer system. ISO/IEC 25012:2008 can be used to establish data quality requirements, define data quality measures, or plan and perform data quality evaluations. It could be used, for example, to define and evaluate data quality requirements in data production, acquisition and integration processes, to identify data quality assurance criteria, also useful for re-engineering, assessment and improvement of data, to evaluate the compliance of data with legislation and/or requirements. ISO/IEC 25012:2008 categorizes quality attributes into fifteen characteristics considered by two points of view: inherent and system dependent. Data quality characteristics will be of varying importance and priority to different stakeholders. ISO/IEC 25012:2008 is intended to be used in conjunction with the other parts of the SQuaRE series of International Standards, and with ISO/IEC 9126-1 until superseded by ISO/IEC 25010.
This document provides a framework for developing quality measurement. The contents of this document are as follows: quality measurement reference model; relationships among different types of quality measures; guidelines for selecting quality measures; guidelines for constructing quality measures; guidelines for planning and performing measurements; guidelines for the application of measurement results. It includes considerations for selecting quality measures and quality measure elements (Annex A), assessing the reliability of measurement and the validity of quality measures (Annex B), elements for documenting quality measures (Annex C), normalized measurement function for quality measures (Annex D) and the measurement information model in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939 (Annex E). This document can be applied for designing, identifying, evaluating and executing the measurement model of system and software product quality, quality in use, data quality and IT service quality. This reference model can be used by developers, acquirers, quality assurance staff and independent evaluators essentially by people responsible for specifying and evaluating the quality of information and communication technology (ICT) systems and services.
ISO/IEC 25021:2012 provides guides to specify Quality Measure Elements (QME) and initial set of QME as examples. QME is a measure defined in terms of a property and the measurement method for quantifying it, including optionally the transformation by a mathematical function. ISO/IEC 25021:2012 is intended to be used throughout the system and software product life cycle used with other documents of the ISO/IEC 250nn SQuaRE series, especially ISO/IEC 25022, ISO/IEC 25023 and ISO/IEC 25024.
This document provides the framework for quality requirements for systems, software products and data, which includes concept of the quality requirements, and requirements and recommendations for the processes and methods to elicit, define, use and govern them. Intended readers of this document include, but are not limited to: acquirers: evaluate if the system/software products/data fulfills their value proposition, i.e., meets the expected quality, developers: design, implement and test the system/software products/data to ensure that it meets the expected quality, testers: verify and validate that the system/software products/data meets the expected quality, project managers: plan, monitor and control the achievement of the expected quality, and independent evaluators: evaluate the system/software products/data with the objective criteria. This document complies with the technical processes defined in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, which are relevant for elicitation of stakeholders' quality needs and for defining, analyzing and maintaining quality requirements. In this document, the quality models in ISO/IEC 25010 and ISO/IEC 25012 are used to categorize quality requirements and to provide a basis for quantifying them in terms of quality measures in the quality measure division of ISO/IEC 2502n. This document does not cover specification of the other requirements (such as functional requirements, process requirements, etc.), and prescribes neither any specific quality measure nor any specific development process.
ISO/IEC 25040:2011 contains requirements and recommendations for the evaluation of software product quality and clarifies the general concepts. It provides a process description for evaluating software product quality and states the requirements for the application of this process. The evaluation process can be used for different purposes and approaches. The process can be used for the evaluation of the quality of pre-developed software, commercial-off-the-shelf software or custom software and can be used during or after the development process. ISO/IEC 25040:2011 establishes the relationship of the evaluation reference model to the SQuaRE documents as well as shows how each SQuaRE document should be used during the activities of the evaluation process. It is intended for those responsible for software product evaluation and is appropriate for developers, acquirers and independent evaluators of software products. These three different approaches are detailed in ISO/IEC 14598-3, ISO/IEC 14598-4, and ISO/IEC 14598-5. It is not intended for evaluation of other aspects of software products (such as functional requirements, process requirements, business requirements, etc.).
ISO/IEC 25041:2012 provides requirements, recommendations and guidelines for system and software product quality evaluation, for the application of ISO/IEC 25040. Intended audiences of ISO/IEC 25041:2012 are developers, acquirers and independent evaluators of the system and software product. ISO/IEC 25041:2012 is part of ISO/IEC 250nn SQuaRE series of International Standards. It is not limited to any specific application area, and can be used for quality evaluation of any type of system and software product.
ISO/IEC 25045:2010 is one of the SQuaRE series of International Standards, which provides a framework for software products quality requirements and evaluation including the requirements for methods of software product measurement and evaluation. ISO/IEC 25045:2010 uses a methodology involving two types of evaluation for recoverability. One part of the method makes use of the disturbance injection methodology and a list of disturbances based on common categories of operational faults and events to evaluate the quality measure of resiliency. The second quality measure is based on a set of questions that is defined for each disturbance to evaluate the quality measure of autonomic recovery index by assessing how well the system detects, analyses, and resolves the disturbance without human intervention. ISO/IEC 25045:2010 is applicable to information systems executing transactions in a system supporting single or multiple concurrent users, where speedy recovery and ease of managing recovery is important to the acquirer, owner/operator, and the developer.
ISO/IEC 25051:2014 establishes: quality requirements for Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP); requirements for test documentation for the testing of RUSP, including test plan, test description, and test results; instructions for conformity evaluation of RUSP. It includes also recommendations for safety or business critical RUSP. ISO/IEC 25051:2014 deals only with providing the user with confidence that the RUSP will perform as offered and delivered. It does not deal with the production realization (including activities and intermediate products, e.g. specifications). The quality system of a supplier is outside the scope of ISO/IEC 25051:2014.
ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010 describes a potential family of International Standards, named the Common Industry Formats (CIF), that document the specification and evaluation of the usability of interactive systems. It provides a general overview of the CIF framework and contents, definitions, and the relationship of the framework elements. The intended users of the framework are identified, as well as the situations in which the framework may be applied. The assumptions and constraints of the framework are also enumerated. The framework content includes the following: consistent terminology and classification of specification, evaluation and reporting; a definition of the type and scope of formats and the high-level structure to be used for documenting required information and the results of evaluation. ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010 is applicable to software and hardware products used for predefined tasks. The information items are intended to be used as part of system-level documentation resulting from development processes such as those in ISO 9241-210, and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 process standards. ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010 focuses on documenting those elements needed for design and development of usable systems, rather than prescribing a specific process. It is intended to be used in conjunction with existing International Standards, including ISO 9241, ISO 20282, ISO/IEC 9126 and the SQuaRE series (ISO/IEC 25000 to ISO/IEC 25099). ISO/IEC TR 25060:2010 does not prescribe any kind of method, life cycle or process.
ISO/IEC 25062:2006 provides a standard method for reporting usability test findings. The format is designed for reporting results of formal usability tests in which quantitative measurements were collected, and is particularly appropriate for summative/comparative testing. The CIF does not indicate how to perform a usability test but provides guidance on how to report the results of a usability test. The CIF targets two audiences: usability professionals and stakeholders in an organization. Stakeholders can use the usability data to help make informed decisions concerning the release of software products or the procurement of such products. The format includes the following elements: the description of the product, the goals of the test, the test participants the tasks the users were asked to perform, the experimental design of the test, the method or process by which the test was conducted, the usability measures and data collection methods, and the numerical results.
ISO/IEC 25063:2014 describes the Common Industry Format (CIF) for content of use descriptions and specifies the contents of both high-level and detailed descriptions of the context of use for an existing, intended, implemented or deployed system. A context-of-use description includes information about the users and other stakeholder groups, the characteristics of each user group, the goals of the users, the tasks of the users, and the environment(s) in which the system is used. The context of use description is applicable to software and hardware systems, products or services (excluding generic products, such as a display screen or keyboard). It is important to gather and analyse information on the current context in order to understand and then describe the context that will apply in the future system. The context of use description provides a collection of data relevant for analysis, specification, design and evaluation of an interactive system from the perspective of the various user groups and other stakeholders.
ISO/IEC 25064:2013 describes the Common Industry Format (CIF) for user needs reports, and provides specifications for their contents and format, including the content elements to be provided. User needs reports include both the collection and documentation of information from various sources relevant to user needs, and the analysis and integration of this information into consolidated user needs. User needs reports are applicable to software and hardware systems, products or services (excluding generic products, such as a display screen or keyboard). The content elements are intended to be used as part of system-level documentation resulting from development processes such as those in ISO 9241-210 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 process standards. User needs are a major input into the establishment of user requirements. User needs reports are intended to be used as part of system-level documentation resulting from development processes such as those in ISO 9241-210 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 process standards.