Management and planning standards for wastewater utilities and operations address a wide range of overarching considerations such as physical security and security practices, risk and resilience, emergency planning, and fire protection. In addition, guidelines for the assessment of management of wastewater utilities and the assessment of services to users and the improvement thereof are provided.
ISO 24510:2007 specifies the elements of drinking water and wastewater services of relevance and interest to users. It also provides guidance on how to identify users' needs and expectations and how to assess whether they are being met. The following are within the scope of ISO 24510:2007: the definition of a language common to the different stakeholders; the definition of key elements and characteristics of the service to users; the objectives for the service with respect to users' needs and expectations; guidelines for satisfying users' needs and expectations; service to users assessment criteria; introduction to performance indicators; examples of performance indicators.
ISO 24511:2007 provides guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services. ISO 24511:2007 is applicable to publicly and privately owned and operated wastewater utilities, but does not favour any particular ownership or operational model. ISO 24511:2007 addresses wastewater systems in their entirety and is applicable to systems at any level of development (e.g. pit latrines, on-site systems, networks, treatment facilities). The following are within the scope of ISO 24511:2007: the definition of a language common to different stakeholders; objectives for the wastewater utility; guidelines for the management of wastewater utilities; service assessment criteria and related examples of performance indicators, all without setting any target values or thresholds.
Disruptions in water quality and delivery can result from emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents, or intentional acts. Regardless of their size and location, utilities should prepare for emergencies before they occur and be able to quickly restore water services. This manual presents an all-hazards approach for principles, practices, and guidelines in water utility emergency planning. It walks through all areas of emergency preparedness including plan development, mutual aid partnerships, communication strategies, staff preparedness, risk mitigation and more. The fifth edition has been significantly updated to include recent changes within the industry. Several new case studies based on recent emergency situations have been added. Additionally, the manual now highlights key resources that can provide more in-depth processes and procedures.
Standards ASCE/EWRI 56-10 and 57-10 offer guidelines that apply to the physical security of facilities with potable water source, treatment, and distribution systems, as well as with wastewater collection and treatment systems and stormwater systems.
The purpose of this standard is to enable water and wastewater utility owners and operators to make sound decisions when allocating limited resources to reducing risk and improving resilience. This standard sets the requirements for all-hazards risk and resilience analysis and management for the water sector. It provides methodology and resource material that can be used for satisfying these requirements. This standards describes and documents a process for identifying risk as a function of the consequences, vulnerabilities, and likelihood of man-made threats, natural hazards, and dependency and proximity hazards.
This standard covers the minimum requirements for a protective security program for a water, wastewater, or reuse utility.
This standard shall establish minimum requirements for protection against ?re and explosion hazards in wastewater treatment plants and associated collection systems, including the hazard classi?cation of speci?c locations and processes. This standard shall apply to the following: (1) Collection sewers (2) Trunk sewers (3) Intercepting sewers (4) Combined sewers (5) Storm sewers (6) Pumping stations (7)* Wastewater treatment plants (8) Sludge-handling facilities (9) Chemical-handling facilities (10) Treatment facilities (11) Ancillary structures (see This standard shall not apply to the following: (1) On-site treatment systems (see 3.3.42) (2) Building drain systems and appurtenances (see 3.3.6) (3) Industrial sewer systems and appurtenances (see (4) Personnel safety from toxic and hazardous materials or products of combustion (5) Separate nonprocess-related structures (see
This standard covers the essential requirements for an effective utility management system. This standard can be referenced to provide water or wastewater utilities with a basis for continuous improvement, or it can be used as a component of an already existing program or effort.
1.1 This guide is intended to inform sustainable development in the building industry. It outlines ideal sustainability and applied sustainability for water management, consistent with Guide E2432 . Both ideal sustainability and applied sustainability should inform decisions regarding water management. 1.1.1 Ideal sustainability is patterned on the hydrological cycle. This provides the concept goals and direction for continual improvement. 1.1.2 Applied sustainability outlines current best practices. This identifies available options considering environmental, economic, and social opportunities and challenges. The most appropriate option(s) are likely to vary depending on the location of the project. 1.2 Water management challenges differ enormously depending on the type of built environment and the available water resources. 1.2.1 The general demands of the built environment vary from very low density rural development to crowded urban development. Large cities present a particular challenge, with 400 cities worldwide housing over 1 million inhabitants. 1.2.2 Successfully meeting the challenges of uneven distribution of water around the world, depletion of groundwater, changing rainfall patterns, and other water industry trends requires sustainable solutions for the effective management of the entire water cycle. 1.2.3 Sustainable design, construction, and operation of water and wastewater services for the built environment are critical components of water stewardship and global sustainable water management. 1.3 Water stewardship encompasses both pollution prevention (quality issues) and conservation (quantity issues). 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
More than any other profession, civil engineers are concerned with infrastructure, the fabric of urban life. Planning for maintenance and expansion of the nation's infrastructure is the subject of this book. The focus of this manual is the practical use of planning tools to solve real life problems. It provides the reader with a broad overview of the planning process and what factors or issues are of particular concern. The first three chapters deal with planning and the planning process in general, describing the process that any planning study must follow from data collection to implementation. The rest of the book covers urban planning in specific areas including land use, housing, urban transportation, intercity highways, airports, railroads, ports, community services facilities, water resources, parks, wastewater management, solid wastes management, energy, environment, and capital improvement programs.
The purpose of this standard is to establish criteria for how the water sector develops, measures the performance of, and improves the strategic planning, resource management, and support functions necessary to create and sustain a highperforming organization. This standard describes the framework that successful utilities should use in developing and improving the performance of these business practices, including the establishment of policies and performance standards, the creation of functions and practices, the development of organization capacity and technology, and integration of functions and practices with the larger organization and its strategies. This standard can be referenced in the development and evaluation of the business practices described in Sec. 1.1. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to the business practices described in Sec. 1.1.