Acquire the principles and methods necessary to determine the properties of plastics as well as the measurements for melt mass-flow rate and melt volume-flow rate. Also access the uniformly accepted symbols and abbreviated terms for plasticizers, fillers and reinforcing materials, basic polymers, and flame retardants added to plastic materials.
Access ISO 4892 to obtain methods and procedures to conduct accelerated weathering or artificial accelerated irradiation exposures of plastics using various light sources including arc lamps, fluorescent UV lamps, as well as open flame carbon lamps. The ISO 4892 accelerated weathering techniques conducted in a laboratory setting are meant to simulate solar radiation, heat, moisture and other climatic stresses on the color and other properties of plastics to help determine it's durability. ISO 4892 - Plastics Light Exposure Package includes:
ISO 4892-1:2016
ISO 4892-2:2013
ISO 4892-3:2016
ISO 4892-4:2013
The ISO 75 - Plastics Determination of Temperature Package provides general test methods for plastics under load to determine the temperature of deflection. ISO 75 - Plastics Determination of Temperature Package also specifies various other testing methods using different values of constant flexural stress. ISO 75 - Plastics Determination of Temperature Package includes:
ISO 75-1:2013
ISO 75-2:2013
ISO 75-3:2004
ISO 1133 - Plastics Melt Mass and Volume Flow Rate Package provides mass-measurement and displacement-measurement methods for melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastic materials. ISO 1133 - Plastics Melt Mass and Volume Flow Rate Package includes:
ISO 1133-1:2011
ISO 1133-2:2011
The ISO 1043 - Plastics - Symbols and Abbreviated Terms Package provides uniform symbols and abbreviated terms for plasticizers, fillers and reinforcing materials, basic polymers and flame retardants added to plastic materials. This package prevents multiple abbreviated terms and the various ways in which they may be interpreted. This package is 20% off the individual list price and it includes:
ISO 1043-1:2011
ISO 1043-1:2011/Amd1:2016
ISO 1043-2:2011
ISO 1043-3:2016
ISO 1043-4:1998
ISO 1043-4:1998/Amd1:2016
ISO 527 - Plastics Determination of Tensile Properties Package is a comprehensive collection of standards that provide test conditions and methods to assist in the determination of tensile properties of plastics. The test conditions and methods are applicable to molding and extrusion of plastics, films and sheets, and fiber-reinforced plastic composites. ISO 527 - Plastics Determination of Tensile Properties Package is also supported with a general principles document that defines different types of test specimen and it includes:
ISO 527-1:2012
ISO 527-2:2012
ISO 527-3:1995
ISO 527-3/Cor1:1998
ISO 527-3/Cor2:2001
ISO 527-4:1997
ISO 527-5:2009
ISO 178 / ISO 527 - Plastics Flexural and Tensile Properties Package provides principles and methods for determining flexural and tensile properties of plastics. ISO 178 / ISO 527 - Plastics Flexural and Tensile Properties Package is specifically applicable to rigid and semi-rigid thermoplastics molding, extrusion and cast materials, including compounds filled and reinforced by short fibers, small rods, plates or granules. The ISO 178 / ISO 527 - Plastics Flexural and Tensile Properties Package includes:
ISO 178:2010
ISO 527-1:2012
ISO 527-2:2012