ANSI X9.42:2003
Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: Agreement of Symmetric Keys Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography
This standard, specifies schemes for the agreement of symmetric keys using Diffie-Hellman and MQV algorithms. It covers methods of domain parameter generation, domain parameter validation, key pair generation, public key validation, shared secret value calculation, key derivation, and test message authentication code computation for discrete logarithm problem based key agreement schemes. These methods may be used by different parties to establish a piece of common shared secret information such as cryptographic keys. The shared secret information may be used with symmetrically-keyed algorithms to provide confidentiality, authentication, and data integrity services for financial information, or used as a key-encrypting key with other ASC X9 key management protocols.
Accredited Standards Committee, Inc. - Financial Industry Standards [ascx9]