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ASME B30.2 / ASME B30.10 / ASME B30.11 / ASME B30. 16 - Hooks Hoist and Cranes Package

ASME B30.2, ASME B30.10, ASME B30.11 and ASME B30. 16

ASME B30.2 / ASME B30.10 / ASME B30.11 / ASME B30. 16 - Hooks Hoist and Cranes Package is applicable to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of underhung cranes, monorail systems, hooks, hoist and gantry cranes. ASME B30.2 / ASME B30.10 / ASME B30.11 / ASME B30. 16 - Hooks Hoist and Cranes Package includes:

  • ASME B30.2-2022
  • ASME B30.10-2019
  • ASME B30.11-2010 - Historical Document
  • ASME B30.16-2022

ASME B30.2 / ASME B30.10 / ASME B30.11 / ASME B30. 16 - Hooks Hoist and Cranes Package includes:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers [asme]

Cranes and Monorails (With Underhung Trolley or Bridge)
Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung Hoist)