ASME B73.1-2012
Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
This Standard is a design and specification standard that covers metallic and solid polymer centrifugal pumps of horizontal, end suction single stage, centerline discharge design. This Standard includes dimensional interchangeability requirements and certain design features to facilitate installation and maintenance and to enhance reliability and safety of B73.1 pumps. It is the intent of this Standard that pumps of the same standard dimension designation from all sources of supply shall be interchangeable with respect to mounting dimensions, size and location of suction and discharge nozzles, input shafts, baseplates, and foundation bolt holes. Incorporated into B73.1-2012 is B73.5M-1995(R2007) An ASME B73 data sheet is available for free download and use. The data sheet is in fillable pdf format and may be saved. The data you've created in the data sheet may be updated at a later time and printed or shared electronically. Use this data sheet along with the ASME B73.1 and B73.2 standards to capture and communicate the details of performance and other technical characteristics of your chemical duty pump. It is a must for inclusion in your pump specification and purchase packages, and to document existing equipment.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers [asme]