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ANSI/ASSE A1264. Safety for Workplace Surfaces Package

ANSI/ASSE A1264.1 and ANSI/ASSE A1264.2 Workplace Safety Requirements for Walking/Workplace Surfaces

The ANSI/ASSE A1264 - Safety for Workplace Surfaces Package sets provisions for establishing safe walking and working environments. It addresses floor surface characteristics, footwear traction properties, environmental factors and falling objects that may contribute to an unsafe workplace environment. This package includes ANSI/ASSE A1264.1-2017 and ANSI/ASSP A1264.2-2022.

ANSI/ASSE A1264. Safety for Workplace Surfaces Package includes:

The American Society of Safety Engineers [asse]

American National Standards for Ladders - Fixed - Safety Requirements
ANSI ASSE Z359 Fall Protection Code Package
ANSI/ASSE Z359 Fall Protection Code Package Version 3.0