
ASTM E125-63(2018)

Standard Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings

1.1 This collection of reference photographs covers types and degrees of discontinuities occurring in steel castings and other types of ferrous castings detectable by the dry powder magnetic particle method.

1.2 These reference photographs are intended to assist in the classification of those discontinuities revealed in ferrous castings subjected to magnetic particle examination.

1.3 These reference photographs are intended to be used for purposes of comparison with the magnetic particle indications observed on actual castings.

1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

ASTM International [astm]

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