
ASTM E1836-01

Standard Classification for Building Floor Area Measurements for Facility Management

1.1 This classification provides a systematic basis for categorising how floor area in buildings is measured for certain specified purposes, such as facility management, occupant requirements, space planning, or strategic facility planning.

1.2 This classification does not specify what measurements must be conducted.

1.3 Annex A1 may be used to classify floor area in one or more specific functional types of building, such as offices, laboratory, or manufacturing buildings and building-related facilities.

1.4 This classification can be applied to owned, rented and leased buildings.

1.5 The classification in Annex A1 is not intended for use in lease negotiations with owners of commercial office buildings or related properties. For that purpose, users are referred to the American National Standard published by the American National Standards Institute under the designation ANSI Z65.1 and commonly known as the ANSI-BOMA standard.

1.6 This classification is not intended for, and is not suitable for, use for regulatory purposes, nor for fire hazard assessment nor for fire risk assessment.

1.7 This classification, developed for use within North America, is similar to the ISO 9836 Performance standards in building-Definition and calculation of area and space indicators.

1.8 This classification contains the following information in the sections indicated:

Referenced Documents2
Significance and Use4
Basis for Classification5
Annex A1

ASTM International [astm]

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