ASTM E631-06
Standard Termninology of Building Constructions
1.1 This standard consists of terms and definitions pertaining to the field of buildings, and in particular, terms related to the standards generated by ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings.
1.2 The purpose of this Termninology is to provide meanings and explanations of technical terms in the buildings field, written for both the non-expert and the expert user.
1.3 This comprehensive Termninology standard contains all ASTM standardized definitions generated in ASTM Committee E06. There are also subsidiary terminology standards. These special classes of terminology are grouped for convenient use (see Section 2). Some subsidiary terminology standards appear in this comprehensive standard.
1.4 Terms are listed in alphabetical sequence. Compound terms appear in the natural spoken order. To show the relationships in certain families of concepts, groups of narrower terms and their definitions are grouped under the definition of the broader term. Each such sub-entry is listed also (in italics) with a cross-reference to the special class.
1.5 Certain standard definitions herein are adopted from other sources. Each is an exact copy. The source is identified at the right margin following the definition, and is listed in Section 2.
ASTM International [astm]