
ICC IC-2001:Supplement

Supplement to the International Codes, 2001

This document is the 2002 Accumulative Supplement to the 2000 editions of the lnternational Building Code ICC Electrical CodeTM, International Energy Consewation Code International Fire Code International Fuel Gas Code International Mechanical Code International Plumbing Code International Private Sewage Disposal Code lnternational Property Maintenance Code@ and International Residential CodeB. It contains changes submitted in the 2000 and 2001 Code Development Cycles which were approved by the memberships of Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc; the International Conference of Building Officials; and the Southern Building Code Congress International, at their annual meetings held in SeptemberlOctober 2000 (2000 cycle) and September/October2001 (2001 cycle). The International Zoning Code has not been changed from the 2000 Edition.

International Code Council [icc]

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