ISO 14819-1:2003
Traffic and Traveller Information (TTI) - TTI messages via traffic message coding - Part 1: Coding protocol for Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) using ALERT-C
ISO 14819-1:2003 specifies the coding protocol for Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel (RDS-TMC) - RDS-TMC using the ALERT-C protocol that is designed to provide mostly event-orientated road driver information messages.
Many "hooks" have been left for future development and indeed a few status-orientated road driver information messages were included. This protocol is designed to be closely linked to the ALERT-Plus protocol, which is specifically designed for status-orientated road driver information; both protocols may be available in the same RDS transmission.
The ALERT-Plus protocol is specified in ENV 12313-4.
International Organization for Standardization [iso]