This International Standard applies to open-cycle gas-turbine power plants using combustion systems supplied with gaseous and/or liquid fuels as well as closed-cycle and semi-closed-cycle gas-turbine power plants. It can also be applied to gas turbines in combined cycle power plants or in connection with other heat-recovery systems.
In cases of gas turbines using free-piston gas generators or special heat sources (for example synthetic gas of chemical processes, blast furnace gas), this International Standard can be used as a basis but suitable modifications are necessary.
Acceptance tests of gas turbines with emission control and/or power augmentation devices that are based on fluid injection and/or inlet air treatment are also covered by this International Standard and it is necessary that they be considered in the test procedure, provided that such systems are included in the contractual scope of the supply subject to testing.
This International Standard does not apply to emission testing, noise testing, vibration testing, performance of specific components of the gas turbine, performance of power augmentation devices and auxiliary systems, such as air inlet cooling devices, fuel gas compressors, etc., conduct test work aiming at development and research, adequacy of essential protective devices, performance of the governing system and protective systems, and operating characteristics (starting characteristics, reliability testing, etc.).
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CONTENT PROVIDER International Organization for Standardization [iso]
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