Tolerances for fasteners -- Part 1: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts -- Product grades A, B and C
This part of ISO 4759 specifies a selection of tolerances for bolts, screws, studs and nuts with ISO metric threads and with product grades A, B and C and for tapping screws with product grade A.
The tolerances, except tolerances for threads, are selected from the system of limits and fits specified in ISO 286-1 and ISO 286-2. The tolerances for metric threads are taken from the series of tolerance classes specified in ISO 965-3. The tolerances for tapping screw threads are covered in ISO 1478.
The tolerances of form and position are specified and indicated in accordance with ISO 1101, ISO 8015 and ISO 2692.
The tolerances specified in this part of ISO 4759 apply to fasteners prior to coating unless otherwise specified. See also ISO 4042.
Deviations from the tolerances specified in this part of ISO 4759 are only permitted in product standards where there are valid technical reasons. In cases where there is a difference between the tolerance requirements in this part of ISO 4759 and the product standard, the product standard takes precedence.
It is recommended that these tolerances also be used for non-standard fasteners.
Dimensions and tolerances given in this part of ISO 4759 are in millimetres.
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