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ISO/IEC 30105 - IT Outsourcing Business Process Package
ISO/IEC 30105-1, ISO/IEC 30105-2, ISO/IEC 30105-3, ISO/IEC 30105-4 and ISO/IEC 30105-5
ISO/IEC 30105 - IT Outsourcing Business Process Package provides life cycle processes for the delegation of IT-enabled business processes to a service provider who uses appropriate technology to deliver service. The package includes guidelines, terms, concepts, and various process models. ISO/IEC 30105 - IT Outsourcing Business Process Package includes the following standards:
ISO/IEC 30105-1:2024
ISO/IEC 30105-2:2024
ISO/IEC 30105-3:2024
ISO/IEC 30105-4:2024
ISO/IEC 30105-5:2024
ISO/IEC 30105 - IT Outsourcing Business Process Package includes:
- ISO/IEC 30105-1:2024
- ISO/IEC 30105-2:2024
- ISO/IEC 30105-3:2024
- ISO/IEC 30105-4:2022
- ISO/IEC 30105-5:2024
International Organization for Standardization [iso]