ANSI Z136.5- 2009
American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Educational Institutions
This standard applies the requirements of the ANSI Z136.1 Safe Use of Lasers to the unique environments associated with educational institutions. Such settings include teaching laboratories, classrooms, lecture halls, science fairs, and science museums, which have incorporated lasers into their educational process. It is intended for staff and students using lasers for academic instruction in university, college, secondary, or primary educational facilities. ANSI Z136.5 specifically provides laser safety guidance by evaluating and minimizing hazards associated with laser radiation in educational settings at all levels. It also discusses developing laser safety programs and student training. Various diagrams and examples of properly placed lasers and laser systems in relation to the audience are included. Intended to be used in conjunction with the ANSI Z136.1.
Laser Institute of America [lia]