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ANSI/A3 R15.08-2-2023
Industrial Mobile Robots - Safety Requirements - Part 2: Requirements for IMR system(s) and IMR application(s)
This document specifies safety requirements for industrial mobile robot systems (IMR systems) and IMR applications, described as follows in Part 1: - IMR Type A: AMR without any attachments. Such platforms consist of the mobile platform, alone, and are typically intended to be used as the basis for an IMR Type B or C; - IMR Type B: AMR with either passive or active attachments, excluding manipulators. Such active attachments can include roller tables, conveyors, and linear lift devices (e.g.,picking attachments); IMR Type C: IMR constructed from an AMR or an AGV as a mobile platform with a manipulator as the attachment.
Robotic Industries Association [ria]