Acoustical Society of America Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s standards are split into five categories: bioacoustics, noise, general acoustics, mechanical vibration, and animal bioacoustics. ASA is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes standards on acoustics, mechanical shock, noise and other associated subjects.

Acoustical Society of America Noise Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s noise standards include the S12 series, which is a multi-standard series that primarily focuses on the measurement of sound level in an environment and from different sources. A popular standard listed here is ASA/ANSI S12.2, the Criteria for Evaluating Room Noise, which covers the measurement of room noise using noise criteria curves and a method for evaluating low-frequency fluctuating noise using room noise criterion (RNC) curves.

Acoustical Society of America Acoustics Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s acoustics standards include the S1 series, which address many aspects of recording and electronic measurement of sound. Many of the standards in the series such as the S1.15 subseries cover aspects of microphone components, and another popular series, S1.4, covers sound meters.

Acoustical Society of America Mechanical Vibration Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s mechanical vibration standards include the S2 series, which cover specifications to reduce the effects of rhythmic vibration on sensitive equipment and how to measure the intensity of such vibration. A popular standard series listed is the S2.80 subseries, which cover measurement of machine vibration in turbines as well as tolerances and ways to mitigate vibration to ensure longevity of such equipment.

Acoustical Society of America Bioacoustics Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s bioacoustics standards include the S3 and S12 series, which cover topics relating to the effects of sound and vibrational waves on the human body. Two popular standards listed here are ASA/ANSI S3.1 and 3.6. 3.1 is the standard for audiometric test rooms, and covers the various sound thresholds needed to qualify such a room. 3.6 is the specifications for audiometers that are designed for determining the hearing threshold of an individual person in comparison with a reference ambience level.

Acoustical Society of America Animal Acoustics Standards

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA)’s animal acoustics standards S3/SC1 series, which address the thresholds that machinery must pass to have minimal impact of animal life in the surrounding area. Two of the listed standards cover sound exposure guidelines for marine life, and one other covers the levels of residual sound that need to be kept in residential and natural areas.