INCITS cybersecurity packages are compiled as a bundle of standards that follow specifications outlined by the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards. INCITS is the main US forum dedicated to creating technology standards for the next generation of innovation. In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, these packages contain tools that work against a variety of strategies hackers use. Discounts for packages mean you save when compared to individual standards
The Cyber Security - Application Security Package is an international set of guidelines and specifications that provide guidance on information security to those specifying, designing and programming or procuring, implementing and using application systems. The standards focus on ensuring that computer applications deliver the desired or necessary level of security in support of the organization’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) and provides guidance on specifying, designing/selecting and implementing information security controls through a set of processes integrated throughout an organization’s Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
The Cryptography - Hashing Package is an international set of specifications that define hash-functions that can be used in the provision of security services. The selected hash-functions represent a small set of techniques chosen because of their resistance to cryptanalytic attacks, performance, industry adoption, maturity, and their publication in the public domain. characteristics.
The Cyber Security - Networking Security Package is an international set of guidelines and specifications that provide detailed guidance on implementing the network security controls that are introduced in ISO/IEC 27002. This package applies to the security of networked devices and the management of their security, network applications/services and users of the network, in addition to security of information being transferred through communications links.
Access guidelines and specifications that represent the core standards that provide a global framework for privacy practices. The Cyber Security - Privacy Foundation Package provides a privacy framework that is intended to help organizations to define their Personally Identifiable Information (PII) related requirements for the safeguarding of privacy within an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system.
Access the INCITS international set of guidelines and specifications developed for the evaluation and treatment of information risks involved in the acquisition of goods and services from suppliers. The implied context is business-to-business relationships, rather than retailing, and information-related products.
The Vulnerability Handling & Disclosure set of standards provide useful guidance on vulnerability disclosure, including good practices and examples that can be used as templates. This guidance is relevant to vendors and development teams.
The Information Security Management System (ISMS) Foundations package is an international set of guidelines and specifications that represent the core standards in the ISO/IEC 27000-series standards that provide a global framework for information security management practices.
Access INCITS Cyber Security - Common Criteria Package that provides guidance on evaluation criteria for IT security. It includes the INCITS/ISO/IEC 15408 series as well as the INCITS/ISO/IEC 18045 standard addressing methodologies for IT security evaluations.