Health informatics metadata standards are related to healthcare devices and may include patient information and are published by DIN, ONORM, ISO, and DS. DIN and ONORM standards cover clinical knowledge resources. ISO/TS 17948 covers traditional Chinese medicine literature. DS standards cover traditional Chinese literature and clinical knowledge sources.
This standard defines a number of metadata elements that describe documents containing medical knowledge, primarily digital documents provided as web resources, accessible from databases or via file transfer, but can be applicable also to paper documents, e. g. articles in the medical literature. It is based on the ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation- Metadata - The Dublin Core metadata element set. The metadata for this purposes are grouped into Resource form, Intended use, Subject and scope, Identification and source, and Quality management systemThe metadata should: - support unambiguous and international understanding of important aspects to describe a document, e. g. purpose, issuer, intended audience, legal status and scientific background; - be applicable to different kinds of digital documentse. g. recommendation from consensus of a professional group, regulation by a governmental authority, clinical trial protocol from a pharmaceutical company, scientific manuscript from a research group, advice to patients with a specific disease, review article; - be possible to present to human readers including health professionals as well as citizens/patients? be potentially usable for automatic processing e. g. to support search engines to restrict matches to documents of a certain type or quality level. The metadata here described is not intended to: - describe documents about a single patient, such as medical records; - describe details of the medical content of the document (but some idea of the content can be described via keywords or codes); - prescribe criteria for the quality of the document content.
This standard defines a number of metadata elements that describe documents containing medical knowledge, primarily digital documents provided as web resources, accessible from databases or via file transfer, but can be applicable also to paper documents, e. g. articles in the medical literature. It is based on the ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation- Metadata - The Dublin Core metadata element set. The metadata for this purposes are grouped into Resource form, Intended use, Subject and scope, Identification and source, and Quality management systemThe metadata should: - support unambiguous and international understanding of important aspects to describe a document, e. g. purpose, issuer, intended audience, legal status and scientific background; - be applicable to different kinds of digital documentse. g. recommendation from consensus of a professional group, regulation by a governmental authority, clinical trial protocol from a pharmaceutical company, scientific manuscript from a research group, advice to patients with a specific disease, review article; - be possible to present to human readers including health professionals as well as citizens/patients? be potentially usable for automatic processing e. g. to support search engines to restrict matches to documents of a certain type or quality level. The metadata here described is not intended to: - describe documents about a single patient, such as medical records; - describe details of the medical content of the document (but some idea of the content can be described via keywords or codes); - prescribe criteria for the quality of the document content.
ISO/TS 17948:2014 defines the core set of TCM literature metadata, describes the principles and methods of TCM metadata, and specifies the formal description of TCM metadata. It applies to the storage, processing, recording, maintenance and exchange of TCM literature. It covers areas of identification, content, distribution, constraint, quality, maintenance, and relationship of traditional Chinese medicine literature.
ISO 13119:2012 specifies a number of metadata elements that describe resources containing medical knowledge. It is primarily applicable to digital documents provided as web resources, accessible from databases or via file transfer, but can be applicable also to paper documents, e.g. articles in medical literature.
ISO/TS 17948:2014 defines the core set of TCM literature metadata, describes the principles and methods of TCM metadata, and specifies the formal description of TCM metadata. It applies to the storage, processing, recording, maintenance and exchange of TCM literature. It covers areas of identification, content, distribution, constraint, quality, maintenance, and relationship of traditional Chinese medicine literature.