The ANSI Z136 laser combination sets complied by LIA offers the roadmap to establish laser safety in various environments including research and development, manufacturing, educational institutions and healthcare facilities. Reduce the hazards, and ensure the safety of your laser systems regardless of your usage environment.
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI Z136.3-2011
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI Z136.4-2010.
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI Z136.5-2009
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI ANSI Z136.6-2015
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI Z136.8-2012
This combination set contains ANSI Z136.1-2014 and ANSI Z136.9-2013
The IEC 60825 - Safety of Laser Products Package provides requirements on the safety of various laser equipment and uses for them. It is supported with a compliance checklist, manufacturers checklist and a user's guide. The Safety of Laser Products Package is suitable for providers / recipients of laser service and manufacturers of laser products used in various industries not limited to: research, education, medical and consumer products. This collection contains:
IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2014
IEC 60825-2 Ed. 3.2 b:2010
IEC 60825-4 Ed. 2.2 b:2011
IEC 60825-12 Ed. 1.0 b:2004
IEC/TR 60825-13 Ed. 2.0 en:2011
IEC/TR 60825-14 Ed. 1.0 en:2004
IEC/TR 60825-17 Ed. 2.0 en:2015
IEC/TR 60825-3 Ed. 2.0 en:2008
IEC/TR 60825-5 Ed. 2.0 b:2003
IEC/TR 60825-8 Ed. 2.0 en:2006
IEC/TR 60825-9 Ed. 1.0 en:1999 - Historical Standard