DS, Dansk Standard (Danish Standards), is a nonprofit commercial foundation that serves as the national standardization organization in Denmark. It is the Danish national member body of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Other than standardization, the organization's primary fields of activity include courses, conferences and ecolabeling. Standards from DS are available as part of a Standards Subscription. If you or your organization are interested in easy, managed, online access to standards, a Standards Subscription may be what you need - please contact us at: [email protected] or 1-212-642-4980 or Request Proposal Price. Below are DS's best-selling standards. To find additional standards, please use the search bar above.
This document provides recommended and other product type names and example pictures of product categories defined in ISO 9999, subclass 09 30, "Absorbing products to contain urine and faeces".
This document provides a classification and defines terms for absorbent incontinence products.*The document builds on ISO 9999, Assistive products for persons with disability – Classification and terminology, sub-class 09 30 – Absorbing products to contain urine and faeces. This document also provides preferred terms, additional terms and example pictures.
This part of ISO 15616 provides minimum requirements for acceptance testing, using practical test methods, for CO2-laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting in two dimensions (2-D), having a fixed workpiece on the platen and moving optics. ****This part of ISO 15616 is not applicable to CO2-laser beam machines which use an articulated robot, nor does it apply to work stations, such as a welding positioner, fixed board cutter, etc.****This part of ISO 15616 does not cover hazard protection devices, such as those for discharging chips and particles generated during welding and cutting.
This document describes basic, minimum functional requirements and recommendations for an accessible and usable built environment, following "Design for All"/"Universal Design" principles which will facilitate equitable and safe use for a wide range of users, including persons with disabilities.*The requirements and recommendations given in this document are applicable across the full spectrum of the built environment.*These functional accessibility and usability requirements and recommendations are relevant to the design, construction, refurbishment or adaptation, and maintenance of built environments including outdoor pedestrian and urban areas.*NOTE 1 – ‘Design for All’ and ‘Universal Design’ share a similar inclusive design philosophy. “Universal Design” means the design of products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. “Universal Design” does not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed.*NOTE 2 – Terms such as "design for all", "universal design", "accessible design", "barrier-free design", "inclusive design" and "transgenerational design" are often used interchangeably with the same meaning.*NOTE 3 – This document does not cover management and maintenance issues, but provides basic information in Annex B.*NOTE 4 – All figures are provided as examples. They are described by their title and key and do not provide additional information. Some figures show negative examples to be avoided; these are identified by the insertion of a red cross on them. A list of all the figures included is this document is given in the informative Annex C.*NOTE 5 – In the case of refurbishment or adaptations of existing buildings or infrastructures, a specific study including feasibility determines the extent to which the functional requirements and recommendations can be met.
The present document specifies the functional accessibility requirements applicable to ICT products and services,*together with a description of the test procedures and evaluation methodology for each accessibility requirement in a*form that is suitable for use in public procurement within Europe. The present document is intended to be used with web*based technologies, non-web technologies and hybrids that use both. It covers both software and hardware as well as*services. It is intended for use by both providers and procurers, but it is expected that it will also be of use to many*others as well.*The relationship between the present document and the essential requirements of Directive 2016/2102 on the*accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies [i.28] is given in Annex A.*The present document contains the necessary functional requirements and provides a reference document such that if*procedures are followed by different actors, the results of testing are similar and the interpretation of those results is*clear. The test descriptions and evaluation methodology included in the present document are elaborated to a level of*detail compliant with ISO/IEC 17007:2009 [i.14], so that conformance testing can give conclusive results.
This document specifies differentiated criteria for acoustic conditions and characteristics for rooms and spaces used for music rehearsal. The criteria are specified for different types of music, regardless of the type of building in which the spaces are located. The document provides criteria for room acoustics in spaces used for music rehearsal, whether this is the primary use of the spaces or they are multi-purpose spaces. Together with the acoustic criteria, requirements are given for net room height, net room volume and net area.*Criteria for acoustic conditions are differentiated on the basis of three music types: amplified music, quiet acoustic music, and loud acoustic music.*This document is applicable to the planning of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing ones. The document can also be used to assess the suitability of existing spaces for different musical purposes. The document can be used for the adjustment of rooms and spaces whose primary purpose is not music rehearsal such as sports halls, classrooms, assembly halls, multi-purpose rooms, etc. Flexible acoustic solutions can be used in order to cover several purposes of use.*The criteria in this document do not apply to large, specialized concert halls, opera venues and similar spaces which are basically designed for concerts and performances, or specialized music recording studios.*The document does not deal with the need for logistics, storage rooms for instruments and other key support functions relating to music rehearsal. Sound insulation criteria are not included in this document.
This document describes criteria and procedures for acoustic classification of dwellings.*The purpose of this document is to make it easier for developers to specify a classified level of acoustic quality for a dwelling, and help users and builders to be informed about the acoustic conditions and define increased acoustic quality. The document can also be applied as a general tool to characterize the quality of the existing housing stock and includes provisions for classifying the acoustic quality before and after renovation has taken place. By the acoustic quality for a dwelling is understood the quality of the acoustic performances typically included in building regulations, e.g. sound insulation towards neighbouring premises and road traffic as well as sound from service equipment. Sound insulation and room acoustics internally in a dwelling are not included in the acoustic classes defined.*This document does not have a legal status in a country, unless decided by its own authorities. However, an additional purpose of this document is to help national authorities and standardization organisations to develop or revise national building regulations and acoustic classification schemes.*For the purpose of this document, the term ”dwellings” refers to detached and attached dwelling-houses, buildings with several flats as well as individual dwellings, and a dwelling is the living space for a household.
This document provides technical guidance to achieve acoustic quality of open office spaces to support dialogue and formal commitment between the various stakeholders involved in the planning, design, construction or layout of open-plan workspaces: end customers, project owners, prescribers, consultants, etc.*It is applicable to all open-plan offices in which the following activities are performed:*– Space type 1: activity not known yet – vacant floor plate;*– Space type 2: activity mainly focusing on outside of the room communication (by telephone/audio/video);*– Space type 3: activity mainly based on collaboration between people at the nearest workstations;*– Space type 4: activity based on a small amount of collaborative work;*– Space type 5: activity that can involve receiving public;*– Space type 6: combining activities within the same space.*More specifically, this document applies to refitting projects of existing business sites (renovation and/or change or add activities) and layout projects for new spaces and spaces delivered unfurnished.*It covers both the activities and the operations of the following stakeholders:*– end customers: diagnosis, survey, expression of needs in keeping with their knowledge in the area of acoustics;*– project owners: drafting contract specifications;*– project management companies (architects, acousticians, ergonomists, economists and consulting engineers): indicating the performance of acoustic solutions and the layout principles used to achieve the result expressed in the specifications;*– building traders: reaching a clear and verifiable target with respect to the choices of materials and implementation;*– Building developer: promoting indoor environmental quality, including acoustic comfort, in estate operations in order to use it as a competitive element;*– specialists in occupational health, safety and quality;*– expert assessments and consultancy.
This document provides specifications for socio-acoustic surveys and social surveys which include questions on noise effects (referred to hereafter as â social surveysâ ). It includes questions to be asked, response scales, key aspects of conducting the survey, and reporting the results.*It is recognized that specific requirements and protocols of some social studies may not permit the use of some or all of the present specifications. This document in no way lessens the merit, value or validity of such research studies.*The scope of this document is restricted to surveys conducted to obtain information about noise annoyance â at homeâ . Surveys conducted to obtain information about noise annoyance in other situations, such as recreational areas, work environments and inside vehicles, are not included.*This document concerns only the questions on noise annoyance used in a social survey and the most important additional specifications needed to accomplish a high level of comparability with other studies. Other elements which are required to provide high-quality social surveys, but which are not specific for social surveys on noise (such as sampling methods), can be found in textbooks (see References [1] and [2]).*Conformity with the recommendations of this document does not guarantee the collection of accurate, precise or reliable information about the prevalence of noise-induced annoyance and/or its relationship to noise exposure. Other aspects of study design, as well as uncertainties of estimation and measurement of noise exposure, can influence the interpretability of survey findings to a great extent.
This document specifies basic framework measurement methods for sound immission from sound sources placed close to the ear. These measurements are carried out with a manikin, equipped with ear simulators including microphones. The measured values are subsequently converted into corresponding free-field or diffuse-field levels. The results are given as free-field related or diffuse-field related equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure levels. The technique is denoted the manikin technique.*This document is applicable to exposure to sound from sources close to the ear, for example during equipment tests or at the workplace to sound from earphones or hearing protectors with audio communication facilities.*This document is applicable in the frequency range from 20 Hz to 10 kHz. For frequencies above 10 kHz, ISO 11904-1 can be used.